Welcome to GlassFish Quality Community. Following are the GFQC for any of your technical question. We will be glad to hear
from you and help you since we value your contribution to GlassFish quality.

(1) Please go through the following 3 steps, after that please send any of your technical question to quality@glassfish.java.net email alias.

1. Register at java.net community here.

2. Login here.

3. Go to mailing lists page by clicking here. Look for quality@glassfish.java.net. Click Subscribe to sign up.

(2) Here is the process to file GlassFish bugs. Please follow this process so to the end of this semester we can compile a bug report which include all the bugs filed by this class.

  • Please put SJSU key word in front of the bug description to identify the bug is coming from this class.

Again welcome to GFQC and hope it will be a good industry learning experience !