I've spent pretty much the last 24 hours looking for an answer to this question. <P> I have installed the latest Mac update for Java from the ADC Web Site, redirected the path to Java 1.6/Bin, and while I can readily start Glassfish v2, I cannot start v3. <P> One google Google searches have revealed no answers. It looks like there's some leapfrog between Apple's support for Java 1.6 and the latest Glassfish version? I just can't tell. <P> My JAVA_HOME path is set to: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java <P> And then I start up GlassFish v3 from NetBeans and I get the error: <P> "GlassFish v3 Domain Start Failed" <P> Suggestions? ''You JAVA_HOME should be set : /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home''