JRuby on the GlassFish<sup>TM</sup> Application Server

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This page describes JRuby support in the GlassFish application server. NetBeans Ruby Support details how the NetBeans<sup>TM</sup> integrated development environment facilitates programming with Ruby.

Why Develop JRuby-on-Rails Applications On the GlassFish Application Server?

The article, Rails powered by GlassFish Application Server, tells you why the GlassFish Application Server is the preferred environment for developing and deploying Rails applications. The following list summarizes some of the many advantages of using the GlassFish application server:

  • GlassFish is based on the standard, robust Java EE platform
  • GlassFish has "green" deployment model, which means that you can simply create a WAR file and copy it to the application server's autodeploy directory. Conversely, typical Rails deployment requires you to spawn multiple Mongrels, front-ended by Apache and then manage them through Capistrano.
  • You can integrate Ruby-on-Rails and Java EE applications in one container. This allows organizations that already have an investment in the Java EE platform to host JRuby-on-Rails applications.
  • Rails applications can benefit from the out-of-the-box clustering and support for high availability that the GlassFish application server offers.
  • The GlassFish application server offers database connection pooling, which allows you to reuse your database connections.
  • Last, but not the least, JRuby-on-Rails applications can use the extensive set of Java libraries.


  1. Getting Started Guide
  2. Capistrano style deployment on GlassFish v3
  3. Configuring JRuby runtime pool
  4. High availability and session failover
  5. FAQ

<!-- #User Guide -->


  1. Develop, debug and deploy Rails on GlassFish v3 Prelude
  2. JRuby-on-Rails standalone and shared WARs in GlassFish v2 (Oct 4, 2007)

Technical Information

  1. JRuby Process Models
  2. GlassFish V3 Gem
  3. Bug Reports

Success Stories

  1. GetJotBot
  2. involver.com
  3. Project Kenai
  4. SSO using Access Manager
  5. Auktionskompaniet.com
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Jay McGaffigan, Rails Conf 2009 Interview
  8. WorldxChange Communication NZ
  9. mediacast.sun.com
  10. SpringBook
  11. Endorsements

JRuby on GlassFish Planning

External Links

JRuby GlassFish wiki<br>
Blogs by Arun Gupta<br>
Blogs by Vivek Pandey<br>
Blogs by Jacob Kessler

RubyForge Download Statistics

Search for case insensitive - glassfish http://rubyforge.org/top/mostactive.php?type=week http://gems.rubyforge.org/stats.html


Mailing list to ask questions dev@glassfish.java.net<br>
Developer Forum<br>
[Mailing Alias]<br>
To file issues<br>

glassfish-jruby-datasheet.pdf (application/pdf)