Jane's Review of GlassFish Connection Pooling (V2) Features One Pager

*Location of One Pager: http://www.glassfishwiki.org/gfwiki/attach/OnePagersOrFunctionalSpecs/ConnectionPoolOnePager.html*

ID Location in the spec (use links if possible) Comments/Discussion Resolved – (YES/NO)
JY001 4.1 Detail Section What is the difference between StatementTimeout and ConnectionLeakTimeout? If it's the same, then use the same name else add StatementTimeout as a new attribute in jdbc-connection-pool  
JY002 4.2 Detail Section and 4.5.1 Exported Interface Is there an attribute for switching off connection pooling in ACC. I didn't see it defined in the dtd in section 4.5.1  
JY003 4.1 Detail Section Please add the new sun specific properties as optional attributes in jdbc-connection-pool element. Adding sun-specific-property will add another level of complexity.