The proposed outline for the Resource Connectors chapter of Volume 1 of the tutorial.

Chapter: Resource Connections

  1. Introduction
  2. Resources and JNDI Naming
  3. Datasource Objects and Connection Pools
  4. Resource Injection
  5. Resource Adapters
  6. Resource Adapter Contracts
    1. Management Contracts
      1. Lifecycle Management Contract
      2. Work Management Contract
    2. Generic Work Context Contract
      1. TransactionInflowContext
      2. SecurityInflowContext
      3. HintsInflowContext
      4. Support for standard Inflow Contexts
      5. Work Security Map
    3. Inbound Contracts
      1. Messaging Contracts
      2. Transaction Inflow
    4. Common Client Interface
    5. Deployment descriptors and Metadata Annotations
      1. Using Deployment descriptors and Annotations
      2. metadata-complete Deployment Descriptor

Important links:
GFv3JSR322 Half-pager
JSR 322 spec