<H1>Topics for Java EE Tutorial</H1> <B>Advanced Topics in Security (Volume 2)</B> <I>This section (Security) describes topics not described in Volume 1, so, in effect, more advanced topics or topics that discuss ways to secure applications that don't mesh with the way we want them to secure applications (e.g., deployment descriptor only).</I> <P>Refer to the security chapters in the Java EE 5 Tutorial for information on existing content. <P>The outline for Vol. 1 (basic security) can be viewed here. <H2>Chapter: Advanced Topics in Security for Java EE</H2> <OL> <LI>Introduce Topics Discussed in this Chapter <LI>Deployment Descriptors <OL> <LI> Application Deployment Descriptor <LI> Runtime Deployment Descriptor </OL> </OL> <H2>Chapter: Securing Enterprise Applications: Advanced Topics</H2> <OL> <LI>Securing Enterprise Beans Using Deployment Descriptors <OL> <LI>Configuring security in ejb-jar.xml <OL TYPE=a> <LI>Defining a Security View <LI>Declaring Security Roles using security-role-ref element <LI> Defining Security roles with security-role and role-name <LI>Linking Security role references to security roles using role-link <LI>Specifying Method Permissions using method-permission element <LI>Propagating Security Identity using run-as </OL> <LI>Configuring security in sun-ejb-jar.xml <OL TYPE=a> <LI> Specifying an authentication mechanism by configuring the IOR using login-config <LI>Mapping Security Roles to App Server Groups using security-role-mapping </OL> <LI> Configuring IOR security in sun-ejb-jar.xml <OL TYPE=a> <LI>transport-config <UL> <LI>SSL <LI> ... </UL> <LI>as-context <LI>sas-context </OL> <LI>Deploying Secure Enterprise Beans <LI>Example Applications using EJBs and deployment descriptors </OL> <LI>Securing EIS Applications <OL> <LI>Container-managed sign-on <LI> Component-managed sign-on with <LI>Configuring Resource Adapter Security <LI> Mapping an Application Principal to EIS Principals </OL> <LI>Example Applications that ship with GlassFish <LI>Links </OL> <H2>Chapter: Using Deployment Descriptors with Web Applications</H2> <OL> <LI>Working with Roles <OL> <LI>Declaring Security Roles <LI>Specifying Security Roles <LI>Mapping Security Roles to GlassFish Groups <LI>Checking Caller Identity Programmatically (remind from basic book) <OL TYPE=a> <LI>getRemoteUser <LI>isUserInRole <LI>getUserPrincipal </OL> <LI>Declaring and Linking Role References <OL TYPE=a> <LI>Declaring Roles </OL> </OL> <LI>Declaring Security Requirements Using Depl. Descr. Elements instead of Annotations <OL> <LI> Why would you do this? <LI> Security elements in web.xml <OL TYPE=a> <LI>security-role-ref <LI>security-role <LI>security-constraint <UL> <LI>web-resource-collection <LI>auth-constraint <LI>user-data-constraint <UL> <LI>transport-guarantee </UL> <LI>Specifying Security Constraints or Different Resources </UL> <LI>login-config <UL> <LI>auth-method (ref to next section for descriptions) <LI> ... </UL> <LI> Security elements in sun-web.xml </OL> </OL> </OL> <H2>Chapter: Examples Demonstrating Advanced Concepts</H2> <OL> <LI>Some of the examples from Volume 1, just with deployment descriptors instead of annotations? <LI>Securing a RESTful web service <LI>Proposed: End-to-End Security Application <OL> <LI> Java SE Security (http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/) <OL TYPE=a> <LI>policy permissions <LI>JCA <LI>security managers </OL> <LI> Developer Security (from GF Dev Guide) <LI> Transport Security <LI> Java EE Security (annotations and deployment descriptor) <LI> GlassFish Security (from GF Admin Guide) <LI> Any Other Layers/Pieces??? </OL> </OL>