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JDO Messages

Error loading the default mapping policy which is used by database schema


Check that the classpath settings are not corrupted.

Internal error in CMP module.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with your application and
the complete error log message.

CMR field is accessed in ejbCreate.


Change bean code to access CMR fields in ejbPostCreate.

Parameter passed to Collection CMR set method is null.


Use Collection.remove() method to remove all related beans from this Collection.

Possible error in EJB Container and CMR runtime life cycle.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please turn on JDO and CMP logging
and contact Sun with the complete error log message.

Possible error in EJB Container and CMR runtime life cycle.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please turn on JDO and CMP logging
and contact Sun with the complete error log message.

ejbRemove or ejbStore is called in an active transaction without bean being loaded
in the same transaction. Possible error in EJB Container and CMR runtime life


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please turn on JDO and CMP logging
and contact Sun with the complete error log message.

Create, remove, or update is called on a read-only bean.


Do not attempt to update read-only beans. If update is required, the bean
must be deployed as two different EJBs: as a read-only bean, and as
an updateable bean. All updates must be done on the second bean.

State class is not generated properly for this CMP bean.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with your application and
the complete error log message.

Internal error in CMP module.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with your application and
the complete error log message.

JNDI name for the CMP resource is misspelled.

CMP resource with this JNDI name is not registered with this instance.


Check JNDI name for the resource you plan to use. Check JNDI name
of the CMP resource specified in the module.

Cannot identify related field.

Cannot identify related class.


Verify that relationship definition is correct.

System was not able to create specified logger.

Error loading message bundle that corresponds to this logger.


Check that the classpath settings are not corrupted. Check error log for the
detailed reason.

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