Welcome to the GlassFish Localization (L10n) testing Community! Introduction L10n testing community is designed to have community contributors involved in the quality assurance of the localized GlassFish products as we value highly the feedback from the community members. We welcome everyone who is interested in participating in the L10n testing program and will work closely with all to make it a success. There will have more l10n projects availabe in this community. How to Join the Program
- First, join the java.net community by click this.
- Subscribe to g11n@glassfish.java.net alias: Go here and click button 'Subscribe' under 'g11n@glassfish.java.net after you login by your java.net account.
- Pickup OS and Language you want to test and send those informations to g11n@glassfish.java.net alias. Please get supported OS and Language from concrete project page listed in section "Available Projects for your contributing".
Contribute process
- We will let you know when project build is ready. It is depend on translation projects process.
- Prepare testing environment. Please check detail information in 'Prepare testing environment' section.
- Testcases information will be sent to you or list on concrete project page
- We use issue tracker from java.net. You can file l10n issues under the "l10n" category. Please check detail information in 'How to file a bug' section
What you can contribute
- Help community to do testing on project list below.
- We are look for your testcases or test samples if you want to contribute to community.
- We are also like to see if you have any cool tool to share for testing.
Available Projects for your contributing
How to Communicate
- We will use the same email alias: g11n@glassfish.java.net for GlassFish L10N program communication.