AS9.1 PE Full Testing

ID: 14139

Sequence: 1

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1530

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Install


1.Set the OS locale to your test language (eg. export LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8; export LANG=es_ES.UTF-8)

2.Download AS build to your hard drive and run it.

ExpectedResults: A Java installer gets opened

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205690

ID: 14140

Sequence: 2

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: leonfan

ModificationDate: 2008-04-08-07:00

CategoryID: 1530

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Install


1.In all following screens click Help and verify that localized help opens.

2.Try to provide incorrect or empty values where possible and verify that error messages get displayed.

3.Click [Help] to check online help, then click [OK] back install page

4.Click [Next] to proceed from the Welcome screen to the License screen, check online help again by click [Help]

4.Select [Yes] and click [Next].

5.Leave default installation directory (/opt/SUNWappserver) and click next.

6.Leave default JDK and click Next. You must have Java installed on your machine to proceed.

7.Click [Help], then select [Don't Prompt for Admin User Name].

8.Enter the password and click [Next].

9.Click [Help] to check help. Click [Next] to [Ready to Install] page

10.Click [Help] to check, then click [Install Now] to install.

11.Click [Help] during installation

12.Verify the results in the installer window once the installation finishes.

13.Check the install log file

ExpectedResults: All installer messages should be localized including help screens.

All values should be validated and display error messages on incorrect values.

License should be updated from 9.1 u1

Name should be updated as following:

Java EE 5 SDK Update 4 --> Java EE 5 SDK Update 5
Java Application Platform SDK Update 4 --> Java Application Platform SDK Update 5
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR1 --> Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR2
Glassfish V2 UR1 --> Glassfish V2 UR2
Sun Java System Application Server Native Packages --> No Change
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR1 with HADB --> Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR2 with HADB (I realize that we are not releasing it)
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server --> Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 2 with MySQL Community Server (Again, we may not be releasing this)

Comments: Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205691

ID: 14161

Sequence: 3

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test start-domain


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. start the domain using the following command: 

  './asadmin start-domain --user admin'

ExpectedResults: The domain is successfully start

Check the log /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/cliTestDomain/logs/server.log without any error

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205712

ID: 14067

Sequence: 4

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1519

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test index page


1. In the browser invoke this url: http://<host name>:<port>/

   In default, the application port is 8080.

2. Check all link and message in index page

ExpectedResults: The log page and error message are fully localized.

Admin GUI is also localized and displays in the browser preferred language.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205617

ID: 14068

Sequence: 5

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1520

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Admin GUI's login page


1. To invoke the admin gui, in the browser invoke this url: http://<host name>:<admin port>/

   In default, the admin port is 4848.

2. Try to login without providing user name and/or password and verify the error message.

3. Provide a valid user name (admin) and password and login to AS admin console.

ExpectedResults: The log page and error message are fully localized.

Admin GUI is also localized and displays in the browser preferred language.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205619

ID: 14069

Sequence: 6

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1520

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Overall Check for Admin GUI


1.Select any node in the left tree except the first one (Common Tasks).

2.Select Home in the top bar. It should bring you back to initial page (Common Tasks).

3.Select Version in the top bar. Verify the version window.

4.Select Registration in the top bar. A new browser with the AS registration page should open.

5.Place the mouse pointer over all top bar buttons and wait until tooltip message appears.

6.Select Logout and logout from the admin GUI.

7.Login back to the Admin GUI.

ExpectedResults: All UI should be l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205620

ID: 14070

Sequence: 7

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1521

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Check 'content' page for Online Help


1.Click on the Help link on the right corner of the Admin GUI.

2.Application Server Admin Console OnLine Help window is displayed

3.Move the mouse over the button and links to check the tips

3.Click on a couple of links of the help to verify that the correct corresponding page is displayed

ExpectedResults: All UI and online help should be l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205621

ID: 14071

Sequence: 8

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1521

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Check 'Index' page for Online Help


1.Click 'Index' tab on the Help page, the 'index' tab page displayed

2.Click links in it to verify that the correct corresponding page is displayed

ExpectedResults: All UI and online help should be l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205622

ID: 14072

Sequence: 9

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1521

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Check 'Search' page for Online Help


1.Click 'Search' tab on the Help page, the 'Search' tab page displayed

2.Enter multi-byte character in 'search' box and check the search result

3.Click on these result to check the links

ExpectedResults: All UI and online help should be l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205623

ID: 14073

Sequence: 10

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1522

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Common Task and the link in it


1.Select [Common Tasks] in the tree on the left.

2.Click the links in it

ExpectedResults: All UI should be l10ned and these links work very well.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205624

ID: 14074

Sequence: 11

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1523

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Quick Start Guide and the link in it


1.Select [Common Tasks] in the tree on the left.

2.Click the link [Quick Start Guide] in it

3.Check all contents and click the links in the 'Quick Start Guide' page. the link [Copyright] at the end of page

5.check that copyright page

ExpectedResults: All UI should be l10ned and these links work very well.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205625

ID: 14075

Sequence: 12

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Enterprise Applications


1.In the right frame click on [Enterprise Application] [Deploy] link to deploy new Enterprise application

3.A Deploy page is displayed in the right frame

4.Enter the location of the .ear file in File Or Directory Field provided.

  (for example: /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/samples/ejb/cmp/apps/cmpcustomer/cmpcustomer.ear)

5.Use [Browse] button to get from the file system

6.Once .ear file is specified, click on [Next] link in the right corner

7.Deploy EJB Module page is displayed in the right frame

8.Enter required data

9.Enter multibyte in Description field

10.Click [OK] link to deploy the application

11.Click that module in left frame, check the right frame page

12.Click [Undeploy] to undeploy that application

ExpectedResults: All UI should be l10ned and The Enterprise Applications should be deployed and undeployed.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205626

ID: 14076

Sequence: 13

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Applications


1.In the right frame click on [Web Applications] [Deploy] link to deploy new Web Applications

3.A Deploy page is displayed in the right frame

4.Click [Next] without entering the file name. 

5.Check the error message.

6.Enter file name: 

  Solaris: /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/samples/quickstart/hello.war

  Linux:   /opt/sun/appserver/samples/quickstart/hello.war

7.Select [Next]

7.Select [OK] to deploy the application.

8.Click [Redeploy] link in [Action] column, and do same as step 6, and redeploy it success.

9.Click [Launch] link in [Action] column to invoke that web application in browser

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the application is deployed and works correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205627

ID: 14077

Sequence: 14

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Applications


1.Select [Applications]->[Web Applications] in the left tree.

2.Select the [hello] link to view properties of the hello application.

3.Change the description and select Save.

4.A message must appear that the values have been saved.

5.Select [Applications]->[Web Applications] again.

6.Select the checkbox by the hello application and click [Undeploy].

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the application is undeployed correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205628

ID: 14078

Sequence: 15

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test EJB Modules


1.Select [Applications]->[EJB Modules] in the left tree.

2.To select an application deployed, set the check box provided.

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/ee-samples/failover/apps/mqfailover/mqFailoverClient.jar

3.Click that module in left frame, check the right frame page

4.check that module in right table and click on [Undeploy] link to undeploy the application

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the EJB Modules deploy and undeploy correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205629

ID: 14079

Sequence: 16

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Connector Modules


1.Select [Applications]->[Connector Modules] in the left tree. [Deploy] link, and select an modules '*.rar' file to deploy, set the check box provided.

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/connectors/apps/mailconnector/mailconnector.rar

3.Click [Finished] to deploy it

4.Click that module in left frame, check the right frame page

5.check that module in right table and click on [Undeploy] link to undeploy it

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the Connector Modules deploy and undeploy correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205630

ID: 14080

Sequence: 17

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Lifecycle Modules


1.Select [Applications]->[Lifecycle Modules] in the left tree. [New] link, and enter 'lifemodue01' for 'Name' and 'test' for 'Class Name'

3.Click [OK] to save it

4.Click that module in left frame, check the right frame page

5.check that module in right table and click on [delete] link to delete it

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the Lifecycle Modules create and delete correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205631

ID: 14081

Sequence: 18

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1524

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test App Client Modules


1.Select [Applications]->[App Client Modules] in the left tree. [Deploy] link, and choose the correct module to deploy

  On solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/ee-samples/failover/apps/mqfailover/mqFailoverClient.jar

3.Click [OK] to save it

4.Click that module in left frame, check the right frame page

5.check that module in right table and click on [delete] link to delete it

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the App Client Modules create and delete correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205632

ID: 14082

Sequence: 19

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> General


1.Click link [Applications], then link [Enterprise Applications], and choose an web services to deploy:

  On solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/jaxrpc-simplebean.ear

2.Click link [Web Services] in the left tree and check that page

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205633

ID: 14083

Sequence: 20

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> Registry


1.Click link [Web Services] and click [Registry] tab in right frame. Check that page

2.Click [Add] link, enter an name for [JNDI Name:], 

  select "UDDI 3.0" for [Registry Type:] 

  enter "https://localhost/services/uddi/v3/protect/publishapi" for [Publish URL:]

  enter "https://localhost/services/uddi/v3/protect/publishapi" for [Query URL:]

3.Click [OK] button

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205634

ID: 14084

Sequence: 21

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> General -> General


1.Click link [Web Services] in the left tree.

2.Click item link in [Name] column, check that page

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205635

ID: 14085

Sequence: 22

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> General -> Publish


1.Click link [Web Services] in the left tree.

2.Click item link in [Name] column, and click subtab [Publish], check that page

3.Click link [Publish...], Check that page

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205636

ID: 14086

Sequence: 23

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> General -> Monitor


1.Click link [Web Services] in the left tree.

2.Click item link in [Name] column, and click subtab [Monitor], and click subtab [Configuration] under it

3.Check that page, and choose "HIGH" for [Monitoring Level:] and save it.

4.Click sub tab [Statistics], check that page.

4.Click sub tab [Messages], check that page.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205637

ID: 14087

Sequence: 24

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1525

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services -> General -> Transformation


1.Click link [Web Services] in the left tree.

2.Click item link in [Name] column, and click subtab [Transformation], and check that page.

3.Click [Add] link, check that page, drop the list to check all message.

4.Try to enter some multibytes into for [Name] and choose any xml file for [File to Upload:] and click [OK]

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/build.xml

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205638

ID: 14088

Sequence: 26

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1526

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Custom MBeans


1.Click link [Custom MBeans] in the left tree, check the page

2.Click link [Deploy], check that page. And select "Skip. MBean class has been uploaded" and click [Next]

3.Check that page and click [Cancel] to back

4.Click link [Deploy] and select "Package file or a directory path that is accessible from the server.", check the popup dialog "Package file to upload to the Application Server. ", and give the jar file, then click [Next]

You can get that jar in

6.Enter 'com.example.mbeans.Hello' as [Class name], click [Finish], deploy should be success.

7.Click deployed item [HelloMBean] in left tree under [Custom MBeans], add Propery with multibyte value for it.

8.Click [Targets] tab and check it

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205639

ID: 14089

Sequence: 27

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JDBC -> JDBC Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[JDBC]->[JDBC Resources] in the left tree

2.Click on the [New] link in the right frame to create new JDBC Resource

3.Click on [Ok] without entering JNDI Name

4.Check the error message

5.Similarly check for Pool Name and check the error message

6.Fill in 'test' as [JNDI name].

7.Fill in all required values and click [OK] to create a new resource.

8.Click created resouces in left fram and check the right frame page

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205640

ID: 14090

Sequence: 28

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JDBC -> Connection Pools


1.Select [Resources]->[JDBC]->[Connection Pools] in the left tree

2.Click on the [New] link in the right frame to create new Connection Pool

3.Click [Next] without entering Name and check the error message

4.Enter Name and click [Next]

5.Click [Next] without entering Datasource class name and check the error message

6.Fill in correct values and click [OK] to create a new pool.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the pool is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205641

ID: 14091

Sequence: 29

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Persistence Managers


1.Select [Resources]->[Persistence Managers] in the left tree

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Persistence Manager

3.Click on [OK] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter 'test' as [JNDI name]. An error must appear that such an object exists. 

5.Fill in all required values and click [OK] to create a new resource.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the persistant manager is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205642

ID: 14092

Sequence: 30

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JMS Resources -> Connection Factories


1.Select [Resources]->[JMS Resources]->[Connection Factories] in the left tree

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Destination Resource

3.Click [OK] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter [JNDI Name] and click [OK] without entering Type and check the error message

5.Enter all necessary values and click [OK] to create a resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205643

ID: 14093

Sequence: 31

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JMS Resources -> Destination Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[JMS Resources]->[Destination Resources] in the left tree

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Destination Resource

3.Click [OK] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter JNDI Name and click [OK] without entering Type and check the error message

5.Enter all necessary values and click [OK] to create a resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205644

ID: 14094

Sequence: 32

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JavaMail


1.Select the [Resources]->[JavaMail] Sessions in the left tree.

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new JavaMail Session

3.Click [OK] without entering each of the attributes: 

  [JNDI Name], [Mail Host Name], [Default User], [Default Return Address]. 

  Verify all error messages are localized.

ExpectedResults: Verify the localized error messages

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205645

ID: 14095

Sequence: 33

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JNDI -> Custom Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[JNDI]->[Custom Resources] in the left tree.

2.Click on [New] link to create new Custom Resource

3.Click [OK] withoug entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter [JNDI Name] and click [OK] without entering the [Resource Type] and check the Error message

5.Click [OK] without selecting the factory class and check the error message

6.Enter all necessary values and click [OK] to create a resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205646

ID: 14096

Sequence: 34

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JNDI -> External Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[JNDI]->[External Resources] in the left tree.

2.Click on [New] link to create new [External Resource]

3.Click [OK] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter [JNDI Name] and click [OK] without entering the [Resource Type] and check the error message

5.Enter [Resouce type] and click [OK] without entering [JNDI Lookup] and check for error message

6.Enter [JNDI Lookup] and click [OK] without entering [Factory class] and check the error message

7.Enter all necessary values and click [OK] to create a resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205647

ID: 14097

Sequence: 35

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Connectors -> Connector Connection Pools


1.Select [Resources]->[Connectors]->[Connector Connection Pools] in left menu tree

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Connection Pool

3.Click [Next] without entering Name

4.Check for error message

5.Enter Name and click [Next] without entering [Resource Adaptor]

6.Check for error message

7.Select [Resource Adaptor] and click [Next].

8.Click [Next] link in the right corner to move to the next frame

9.Click [Next], fill in all required fields and create a Connection Pool

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the connection pool is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205648

ID: 14098

Sequence: 36

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Connectors -> Connector Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[Connectors]->[Connector Resources] in the left tree.

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Connector Resource

3.Click [OK] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter [JNDI Name] and click [OK] without entering [Pool Name] and check the error message

5.Fill in all required fields and create a Connection Resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the connector resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205649

ID: 14099

Sequence: 37

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1527

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Connectors -> Admin Object Resources


1.Select [Resources]->[Connectors]->[Admin Object Resources] in the left tree.

2.Click on the [New] link on the right frame to create a new Admin Object Resource

3.Click [Next] without entering [JNDI Name] and check the error message

4.Enter [JNDI Name] and click [Next] without entering [Resource Type] and check the error message

5.Type 'javax.jms.Queue' as [Resource Type] and click [Next] without entering [Resource Adaptor] and check the error message

6.Select 'jmsra' as [Resource Adaptor] and proceed to the next form

7.Create the Admin Object Resource

ExpectedResults: Verify that all strings in forms and all error messages are localized.

Verify that the admin object resource is created correctly.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205650

ID: 14100

Sequence: 38

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Container


1.Select [Configuration]->[Web Container] in the left tree.

2.Verify the right window for localization.

3.Select [Session Properties] in the right panel and check that all strings are localized.

4.Select [Manager Properties] in the right panel and check that all strings are localized.

5.Select [Store Properties] in the right panel and check that all strings are localized.

ExpectedResults: The windows should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205651

ID: 14101

Sequence: 39

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test EJB Container


1.Select [Configuration]->[EJB Container] in the left tree.

2.Verify the right window for localization.

3.Select [MDB Settings] in the right panel and check that all strings are localized.

4.Select [EJB Timer Service] in the right panel and check that all strings are localized

ExpectedResults: The windows should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205652

ID: 14102

Sequence: 40

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Java Message Service -> JMS Hosts


1.Select [Configuration]->[Java Message Service]->[JMS Hosts] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing Name and Host and verify the error msgs.

4.Enter incorrect (non-numeric) value for [Port] and verify the error msg.

5.Enter correct values and select [OK] to create a new JMS host.

6.Click that created host in left frame and check the right frame

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

JMS Host should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205653

ID: 14103

Sequence: 41

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Java Message Service -> Physical Destinations


1.Select [Configuration]->[Java Message Service]->[Physical Destinations] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing Name and Type and verify the error msgs.

4.Enter correct values and select [OK] to create a new physical destination.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Physical destination should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205654

ID: 14104

Sequence: 42

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Security -> Realms


1.Select [Configuration]->[Security]->[Realms] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to save the form without providing values for [Name] and [Class Name].

4.Provide any [Name] and [Class Name] and click [OK] to create a realm.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Realm should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205655

ID: 14105

Sequence: 43

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Security -> JACC Provider


1.Select [Configuration]->[Security]->[JACC Provider] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to save the form without providing values for Name, Policy Configuration and Provider.

4.Provide any Name, Policy Configuration and Provider and click [OK] to create a JACC Provider.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

JACC Provider should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205656

ID: 14106

Sequence: 44

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Security -> Audit Modules


1.Select [Configuration]->[Security]->[Audit Modules] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to save the form without providing values for Name and Class Name.

4.Provide any Name and Class Name and click [OK] to create a Audit Module.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Audit Module should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205657

ID: 14107

Sequence: 45

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Security -> Message Security


1.Select [Configuration]->[Security]->[Message Security] in the left tree.

2.Click the object name in the table in the right frame (SOAP).

3.Verify that the right panel is localized.

4.Select Providers in the right panel.

5.Verify that the right panel is localized.

6.Click any provider ID in the table.

7.Verify that the Edit Provider Configuration form is localized.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205658

ID: 14108

Sequence: 46

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Transaction Service


1.Select [Configuration]->[Transaction Service] in the left tree.

2.Try to save the form with incorrect (non-numeric) values and verify error msgs.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205659

ID: 14109

Sequence: 47

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test HTTP Service -> HTTP Listeners


1.Select [Configuration]->[HTTP Service]->[HTTP Listeners] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing values of Name, Network Address, Port and Server and verify the error msgs.

4.Enter a name which is already used, e.g. http-listener-1 and verify the error msgs.

5.Provide incorrect values of Network Address and Port and verify the error msgs.

6.Enter correct values and click [OK] to create a new listener.

ExpectedResults: All forms and error messages should be localized.

The listener should be created.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205660

ID: 14110

Sequence: 48

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test HTTP Service -> Virtual Servers


1.Select [Configuration]->[HTTP Service]->[Virtual Servers] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing values of ID and Hosts and verify the error msgs.

4.Enter a name which is already used, e.g. 'server' and verify the error msg.

5.Enter correct values (Hosts = e.g. and select [OK] to create a new server.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205661

ID: 14111

Sequence: 49

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test ORB -> IIOP Listeners


1.Select [Configuration]->[ORB]->[IIOP Listeners] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing values of Name, Network Address and Port and verify the error msgs.

4.Enter a name which is already used, e.g. 'orb-listener-1' and verify the error msg.

5.Enter correct values and select [OK] to create a new IIOP listener.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

IIOP Listener should be created

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205662

ID: 14112

Sequence: 50

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test ORB -> Thread Pools


1.Select [Configuration]->[Thread Pools] in the left tree

2.Click [New] link in the right frame

3.Try to click [OK] without providing ID and verify the error msg.

4.Enter a name which is already used, e.g. 'thread-pool-1' and verify the error msg.

5.Enter incorrect (non-numeric) values for Pool Sizes, Timeout, Queues and verify the error msgs.

6.Enter correct values and select [OK] to create a new thread pool.

ExpectedResults: Verify that all forms and error messages are localized.

Thread Pool should be created correctly

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205663

ID: 14113

Sequence: 51

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Admin Service


1.Select [Configuration]->[Admin Service] in the left tree.

2.Verify the right window for localization.

3.Select the default 'system' node under the Admin Service node.

4.Try to save incorrect Address or Port and verify the error msgs.

ExpectedResults: The windows and error messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205664

ID: 14114

Sequence: 52

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Connector Service


1.Select [Configuration]->[Connector Service] in the left tree

2.Enter incorrect (non-numeric) value for Timeout and verify the error msg.

ExpectedResults: Verify that the form and error message are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205665

ID: 14115

Sequence: 53

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitoring


1.Select [Configuration]->[Monitoring] in the left tree

2.Choose 'HIGH' or 'LOW' in droplist for some item and save it.

ExpectedResults: Verify that the form are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205666

ID: 14116

Sequence: 54

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor for Management Rules


1.Select [Configuration]->[Management Rules] in the left tree

2.Click [New] and enter name and choose [monitor] for [Event Type] and click [Next]

3.Enter 'test' for [Observed MBean] and [Observed Attribute], and choose [Monitor Type] as 'String' and enter 'test' for [Value].

4.Click [Finish] to create it

ExpectedResults: Verify that the form are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205667

ID: 14117

Sequence: 55

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test notification for Management Rules


1.Select [Configuration]->[Management Rules] in the left tree

2.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'monitor' for [Event Type] and click [Next]

3.Click [New] and enter another name and choose 'notification' for [Event Type] and click [Next]

4.Select [Enter an Object Name] and enter 'test' for it and click [Finish]

ExpectedResults: Verify that the form are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205668

ID: 14118

Sequence: 56

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test System Events for Management Rules


1.Select [Configuration]->[Management Rules] in the left tree

2.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'lifecycle' for [Event Type] and click [Next], and click [Finish]

3.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'log' for [Event Type] and click [Next], and click [Finish]

4.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'timer' for [Event Type] and click [Next], and enter the 'Date String' 

  according to the data format 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss' and click [Finish], restart server, check the server.log to make sure no error when start this rule.

5.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'timer' for [Event Type] and click [Next], and enter the an invalid 'Date String' and click [Finish], restart server, check the server.log to check that error when start this rule.

6.Click [New] and enter name and choose 'trace' for [Event Type] and click [Next], then click [Finish] to create it

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205669

ID: 14119

Sequence: 57

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1528

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Diagnostic Service


1.Select [Configuration]->[Diagnostic Service] in the left tree

2.Enter an invalid number such as '500a' into [Log Entries] and click [Save], an error dialog popup

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205670

ID: 14120

Sequence: 58

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General tab


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, check the all information.

3.Click on [stop instance], check the UI page

4.According to the instruction on UI, start server from CLI by:

   <appserver-installation-directory>/bin/asadmin start-domain --user admin

5.After the server started, Click the link in UI and login correct username/password to relogin again

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205671

ID: 14121

Sequence: 59

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General tab - JVM report


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [JVM Report].

3.In popup page, choose [Summary] for [View]

4.In popup page, choose [Memory] for [View]

5.In popup page, choose [Class Loading] for [View]

6.In popup page, choose [Thread dump] for [View]

7.Click [Close] to close it

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205672

ID: 14122

Sequence: 60

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General tab - View Log Files


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [View Log Files].

3.Log Viewer window is displayed with Timestamp, Log Level, Logger, Message, Name-Value pair information

4.Click on [Details] link in the message coloumn 

5.A Log Entry Details window is displayed with Timestamp, Log Level etc information for a particular log.

6.close the details windows

7.Click on [Records before ...] and [Records after ...] to check page turning function

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205673

ID: 14123

Sequence: 61

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General -> View Log Files -> Basic Search


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [View Log Files].

3.Log Viewer window is displayed with Timestamp, Log Level, Logger, Message, Name-Value pair information

4.Set the [TimeStamp] as [Specific Range:] and enter any valid date for it.

5.Set the value for [Log Level], [Instance Name] and [Log Files]

6.Click [Search]

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205674

ID: 14124

Sequence: 62

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General -> View Log Files -> Advanced Search


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [View Log Files].

3.Log Viewer window is displayed with Timestamp, Log Level, Logger, Message, Name-Value pair information

4.Click [Advanced Search]

5.Set the [TimeStamp] as [Specific Range:] and enter any valid date for it.

5.Set the value for [Log Level], [Instance Name] and [Log Files]

6.Click [Search]

7.Click [Basic Search] to back initial page, Click [Close] to close log viewer.

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205675

ID: 14125

Sequence: 63

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General -> Rotate Log File


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [Rotate Log File].

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205676

ID: 14126

Sequence: 64

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test General -> JNDI Browsing


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree.

2.In [General] tab in the right frame, click [JNDI Browsing].

3.Click any item in the tree, 

  if there haven't, please try to create some in [Config]->[JNDI]->[Custom Resources]

4.Click [Close] to close it

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205677

ID: 14127

Sequence: 65

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JVM Settings


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [JVM Settings] tab in the right frame, check the page.

3.Click [Description] link, check that page, click [back] button. [Path Settings] tab, check that page

5.Click [JVM Options] tab, check that page

6.Click [Profiler] tab,  don't enter anything, click [Save] to check error message

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205678

ID: 14128

Sequence: 66

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Logging


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Logging] tab in the right frame, check the page. [Log Levels] tab, check that page

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205679

ID: 14129

Sequence: 67

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Runtime


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, check the page.

3.choose [jvm] in droplist for [View:]

4.choose [compilation-system] in droplist for [View:]

5.choose [class-loading-system] in droplist for [View:]

6.choose [thread-system] in droplist for [View:]

7.choose [runtime] in droplist for [View:]

8.choose [memory] in droplist for [View:]

9.choose [operating-system] in droplist for [View:]

10.choose [MarkSweepCompat] in droplist for [View:]

11.choose [Copy] in droplist for [View:]

12.choose [connection-queue] in droplist for [View:]

13.choose [file-cache] in droplist for [View:]

14.choose [keep-alive] in droplist for [View:]

15.choose [_asadmin] in droplist for [View:]

16.choose [server] in droplist for [View:]

17.choose [http-listener-2] in droplist for [View:]

18.choose [http-listener-1] in droplist for [View:]

19.choose [request] in droplist for [View:]

20.choose [transaction-service] in droplist for [View:]

Pavel: note that you may have to enable the stuff in the configuration link next ot the droblist

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205680

ID: 14130

Sequence: 68

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Applications


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Applications] subtab, check the page.

3.choose [admingui] in droplist for [Application].

  If no component display in [Component] droplist, Click [Configure Monitoring], 

  then set all to 'HIGH' and click [Save], then back [Monitor]->[Applications] page

4.try to choose all differents in the drop list and check the page

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205681

ID: 14131

Sequence: 69

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Resources


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Resources] subtab, check the page.

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205682

ID: 14132

Sequence: 70

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Transactions


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Transactions] subtab, check the page.

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205683

ID: 14133

Sequence: 71

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Log Stats


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Log Stats] subtab, check the page.

3.check one item in table, then click [Show Loggers] [Close] to return

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205684

ID: 14134

Sequence: 72

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Call Flow


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Call Flow] subtab, check the page.

3.Choose item in droplist [Filter:]

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205685

ID: 14135

Sequence: 73

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitor -> Call Flow and Call Flow Config


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Monitor] tab in the right frame, then click [Call Flow] subtab, check the page. link [Call Flow Config], check [Enabled] for [Call Flow Monitoring:] and save it

4.Use browser to access appliation server: http://<machine>:8080/

5.Back the [Call Flow] tab in Admin GUI, click [Refresh] link.

6.Try item in droplist [Filter:]

7.Click one item in table to get page [Call Flow Details]

8.Click [View Tree] and check that new page. close that popup page.

9.Click [Close] to back

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205686

ID: 14136

Sequence: 74

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Diagnostics


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Diagnostics] tab in the right frame, check the page.

3.Enter multibyte character for [Description:] and any character for [Bug IDs:], 

  and correct date for [Server Log Start Date:] and [Server Log End Date:]

4.Click [Generate Report], and Click [Save as] in next page.

5.After save file success, click [OK] to back

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205687

ID: 14137

Sequence: 75

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Password


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Password] tab in the right frame, check the page.

3.Enter the new password in box and save it.

4.Logout the GUI and try to use the new admin password to login the admin GUI.

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205688

ID: 14138

Sequence: 76

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1529

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Advanced


1.Select [Application Server] link in left menu tree. [Advanced] tab in the right frame, check the page. subtab [Domain Attributes], check that page.

ExpectedResults: Verify all forms are localized.

All functions works

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205689

ID: 14143

Sequence: 77

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Rules and Monitors

Steps: 'asadmin create-management-rule --help' to check the output 'asadmin create-management-rule --eventype test [multibyte character]' to check the error 'asadmin create-management-rule --eventtype log [multibyte character]' 'asadmin list-management-rules' to check that rule has been created. 'asadmin delete-management-rule [multibyte character]' to delete the rule created in previous step.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205694

ID: 14144

Sequence: 78

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Derby Database

Steps: 'asadmin start-database' 'asadmin start-database' again to check the fail messages 'asadmin stop-database'. 'asadmin stop-database' again to check the fail messages.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205695

ID: 14145

Sequence: 79

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1532

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Diagnostic service

Steps: 'asadmin generate-diagnostic-report --help' to check the output 'asadmin generate-diagnostic-report --outputfile [filename.jar]', 

  on windows, can use ./[filename.jar]

3.Enter 'y' to continue and the report can generated success

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205696

ID: 14146

Sequence: 80

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Monitoring Data

Steps: 'asadmin start-callflow-monitoring --help' to check the output. 'asadmin start-callflow-monitoring --filtertype user=[multibyte characters] server'.

3.login Admin GUI, following [Application Server] -> [Monitor]->[Call Flow Config]

4.In that page, check whether [Call Flow Monitoring:] is enabled and the vale of [User] display correct. 'asadmin stop-callflow-monitoring server' to stop callflow monitoring

6.Check the status in Admin GUI whether the [Enabled] is unchecked.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205697

ID: 14147

Sequence: 81

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test JMS

Steps: 'asadmin flush-jmsdest --help' to check output 'asadmin flush-jmsdest -T queue mq.sys.dmq' to purge the physical destination

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205698

ID: 14148

Sequence: 82

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services


1.Check whether an webservice deploy on app, Login Admin GUI, 

  click [Web Services] and see whether some item list in table and get the web service name.

  If not, please deploy an webservice by [Enterprise Applications].

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/jaxrpc-simplebean.ear 'asadmin configure-webservice-management --help' to check output 'asadmin configure-webservice-management [webservice_name]' to config webservice.

  If you deploy jaxrpc-simplebean.ear, the webservice_name is 'jaxrpc-simplebean#jaxrpc-simplebean.war#HelloIF' 'asadmin configure-webservice-management --monitoring=ON [webservice_name]' to check the error information. 'asadmin configure-webservice-management --monitoring=HIGH [webservice_name]'

6.Login Admin GUI, click [Web Services], click that web service you just configed in table, 

  click [Monitor]->[Configuration] to check [Monitoring Level:] is 'HIGH'.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205699

ID: 14149

Sequence: 83

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services


1.Check whether an webservice deploy on app, Login Admin GUI, 

  click [Web Services] and see whether some item list in table and get the web service name.

  If not, please deploy an webservice by [Enterprise Applications].

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/jaxrpc-simplebean.ear 'asadmin create-transformation-rule --help' to check output 'asadmin create-transformation-rule --webservicename [webservice_name] --rulefilelocation [rulefile] [multibyte characters]'.

  If you deploy jaxrpc-simplebean.ear, the webservice_name is 'jaxrpc-simplebean#jaxrpc-simplebean.war#HelloIF'

  the [rulefile], you can use [appbase]/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/build.xml 'asadmin list-transformation-rules'. 'asadmin delete-transformation-rule --webservicename [webservice_name] [rule name]' to delete the rule created

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205700

ID: 14150

Sequence: 84

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Web Services


1.Check whether an webservice deploy on app, Login Admin GUI, 

  click [Web Services] and see whether some item list in table and get the web service name.

  If not, please deploy an webservice by [Enterprise Applications].

  On Solaris, use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/webservices/jaxrpc/apps/simplebean/jaxrpc-simplebean.ear 'asadmin publish-to-registry' to check output 'asadmin publish-to-registry --help' to check output 'list-registry-locations' to check output 'asadmin unpublish-from-registry --help' to check output

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205701

ID: 14151

Sequence: 85

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Admin Password

Steps: 'asadmin change-admin-password --help' to check the output 'asadmin change-admin-password --user admin', then just enter 3 characters for [old admin password], check the error. 'asadmin change-admin-password --user admin', enter correct password for all and all should go well.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

That password have been changed when login Admin GUI

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205702

ID: 14152

Sequence: 86

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Logging and JVM report

Steps: 'asadmin display-error-statistics --help' to check the output 'asadmin display-error-statistics' to check the output. 'asadmin display-error-distribution --timestamp [timestamp]' to check the output. 'asadmin display-log-records --timestamp [timestamp] [module id]' to check the output. 'asadmin generate-jvm-report' to check JVM report

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205703

ID: 14153

Sequence: 87

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Custom MBeans

Steps: 'asadmin create-mbean --help' to check the output 'asadmin create-mbean' to check the output. 'asadmin list-mbeans' to check the output. 'asadmin delete-mbean --help' to check he output.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205704

ID: 14154

Sequence: 88

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Password Alias

Steps: 'asadmin create-password-alias admin' to and enter two different password to check the error information 'asadmin create-password-alias admin' to and enter two same and valid password to create alias 'asadmin list-password-aliases' to check the output. 'asadmin delete-password-alias admin' to check the output. 'asadmin delete-password-alias admin' to check the error information.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205705

ID: 14155

Sequence: 89

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test deploy


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. Make sure that the admin server is running 

3. Start the domain if not started yet

4. Start the instance if not started yet

5. run './asadmin deploy --user admin --password [your pwd] --host localhost --port 4849 --virtualservers [myinstances] /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/samples/i18n/apps/simple/i18n-simple.ear'

6. Verify that the deployment is successful in Admin GUI.

ExpectedResults: All messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205706

ID: 14156

Sequence: 90

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test domain


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. stop the default domain by 'asadmin stop-domain'

3. run './asadmin create-domain  --domaindir /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains --adminport 4850 --adminuser admin --adminpassword admin123 --domainproperties test=[multibytes] cliTestDomain'

4. When the domain is successfully created, start the domain using the following command: 

  './asadmin start-domain --user [your admin user name] cliTestDomain'

5. on your browser, access the admin server at https://[hostname]:4850

   Look for the domain property value

6. run 'asadmin list-domains' to check the output

7. run 'asadmin stop-domain cliTestDomain' to stop it

8. run 'asadmin delete-domain cliTestDomain' to delete that domain

9. run 'asadmin start-domain' to start default domain

ExpectedResults: The domain is successfully created, then the domain can create/start/stop/delete successfully.

Also multibyte (or your language specific) characters are passed correctly.

Check the log /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/cliTestDomain/logs/server.log without any error

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205707

ID: 14157

Sequence: 96

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1531

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Admin Object


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. Make sure that the admin server is running

3. run './asadmin create-admin-object --user admin --restype javax.jms.Queue --property cliResName=[multibyte name] --raname jmsra --host localhost --port 4849 jms/samplequeue'

5. When the object is successfully created (look at the log), on your browser, access the admin server at https://[hostname]:4849. 

   Look for JMS Resources > Destination Resources

6. run 'asadmin list-admin-objects' to check the output

7. run 'asadmin delete-admin-object jms/samplequeue' and login Admin GUI to check it has been deleted.

ExpectedResults: The resource is successfully created under JMS Resources > Destination Resources.

Check for the additional properties. The value should be correctly displayed as you typed in the CLI.

Check the log /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/cliTestDomain/logs/server.log without any error

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205708

ID: 14158

Sequence: 97

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1533

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Verifier


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. run 'verifier' to check the output

3. run 'verifier -v -ra -d [temp dir] [application]'

   On solaris, can use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/i18n/simple/i18n-simple.ear'

4. Check the file created under that temp directory.

ExpectedResults: All message are l10ned, and files created contain the correct information.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205709

ID: 14159

Sequence: 98

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1533

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Verifier


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. run 'verifier -u' to check the output

3. click [Add] to pick up an application and click [OK] to verify

   On solaris, can use /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/i18n/simple/i18n-simple.ear'

4. Click [Help] to check online help

ExpectedResults: All message and UI are l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205710

ID: 14160

Sequence: 99

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1533

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test asupgrade


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. run 'asupgrade -help' to check the output

3. run 'asupgrade' and click [Help] to check

ExpectedResults: All message and UI are l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205711

ID: 14203

Sequence: 100

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1533

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test appclient, capture-schema and jspc


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. run 'appclient' to check the output

3. run 'capture-schema' to check the output

4. run 'jspc' to check the output

ExpectedResults: All message are l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 206036

ID: 14204

Sequence: 101

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1533

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test wscompile, wsdeploy, wsgen and wsimport


1. Go to /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin directory.

2. run 'wscompile' to check the output

3. run 'wsdeploy' to check the output

4. run 'wsgen' to check the output

5. run 'wsimport' to check the output

ExpectedResults: All message are l10ned.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 206037

ID: 14141

Sequence: 102

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1530

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Uninstall


1.Make sure your terminal window has locale and display correctly set.

3.Stop all running domains: 

  /opt/SUNWappserver/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1

  /opt/SUNWappserver/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain2

on Windows:

  /Sun/AppServer/bin/asadmin.bat stop-domain domain1

  /Sun/AppServer/bin/asadmin.bat stop-domain domain2

2.Run: /opt/SUNWappserver/uninstall

  on Windows: Sun/AppServer/uninstall

3.AS Java Uninstaller window should display properly.

ExpectedResults: All uninstaller GUI messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205692

ID: 14142

Sequence: 103

CreatedBy: basha

CreationDate: 2006-01-24-08:00

ModifiedBy: basha

ModificationDate: 2007-10-30-07:00

CategoryID: 1530

Priority: Low

Type: L10n

Automation: Manual

ReviewStatus: Pending

Objective: Test Uninstall


1.In AS uninstaller, select Help and verify that localized help displays.

2.Click [Next]

3.Select [Help] and verify that localized help displays.

4.Click [Uninstall Now]

5.Click [Help] and verify that localized help displays.

6.once the uninstallation finishes, click [Details...], Get the log's position in dialog.

7.Click [Dismiss] and click [Close]

8.Check uninstall log file

ExpectedResults: All uninstaller GUI messages should be properly localized.

Testcase imported from TCM1. Old TCM1 CID: 205693