Loadbalancer Administration – October 13, 2006 Attendees: Ana, Jane, Rajeev, Davis, Prashant, Satish and Anissa Summary:
- CLI has committed to fo the following:
- No changes to create-http-lb-config
- No changes to delete-http-lb-config
- No changes to list-http-lb-configs
- Changes to create-http-lb-ref: add health-checker options; add --lbenableAllInstances and --lbEnableAllApplications options; add --weight option;add --lbname option.
create-http-lb-ref --config config_name | --lbname lb_name [--lbpolicy lb_policy] [--lbpolicymodule lb_policy_module] [--healthcheckerurl url] [--healthcheckerinterval=10] [--healthcheckertimeout=10] [--lbEnableAllInstances=true] [--lbEnableAllApplications=true] [--lbweight instance=weight:\[instance=weight\]*] target
- If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown.This command will create a target reference to the specified loadbalancer name. The lbweight option is not a high priority since there is a configure-lb-weight command.
- Changes to delete-http-lb-ref: add a --lbname option; add a --force option delete-http-lb-ref --config config_name | --lbname lb_name --force=false target
- If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception will be thrown. If --force is true, then the target reference will be removed even though there are instance/application that are enabled.
- Changes to export-http-lb-config: add a --lb option; add --retrieve option
- export-http-lb-config --config config_name | --lb lb_name --retrieve=false file_name If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown. If retrieve is true, then loadbalancer.xml is retrieved from a remote machine.
- No changes to disable-http-lb-server
- No changes to enable-http-lb-server
- No changes to diasable-http-lb-application
- No changes to enable-http-lb-application
- No changes to create-http-health-checker
- No changes to delete-http-health-checker; As an alternative, user should use the "set dotted-name" command to disable health checker.
- Changes to create-http-lb: remove --config option; add health-checker options; add lbenableAllInstances and lbEnableAllApplications options; add weight option; add target option; add lbpolicy and lbpolicymodule options
create-http-lb --devicehost device_host_or_ip --deviceport device_port [--autoapplyenabled=false] [--sslproxyhost proxy_host ] [--sslproxyport proxy_port] [--target target] [--lbpolicy lb_policy] [--lbpolicymodule lb_policy_module] [--healthcheckerurl url] [--healthcheckerinterval=10] [--healthcheckertimeout=10] [--lbEnableAllInstances=true] [--lbEnableAllApplications=true] [--lbweight instance=weight:[instance=weight]*] [--property name=value\[:name=value\]*] load_balancer_name
- This command will create a loadbalancer element, lb-config, target reference (cluster-ref/server-ref) and a healthchecker. The weight option is not a high priority since there is a configure-lb-weight command.
- No changes to delete-http-lb
- No changes to list-http-lbs
- No changes to apply-http-lbs
- Remove configure-http-lb-config
- No changes to configure-lb-weight.
- GUI is committed to fix all the LB admin bugs expect the ones regarding monitoring
- Action Items:*
- Davis et al send out a Test spec for review
- Davis to setup QE meeting with other LB/LB admin QEs to stream line LB testing
- Invite Sujatha and other LB QE for the LB Admin meeting - Satish
- Send out the outline of doc changes to Rajeev - Satish
- Testing of weights - Davis
- When is the hardcore freeze of man pages? - Satish