Loadbalancer Administration – October 20, 2006

Ana, Jane, Rajeev, Davis, Prashant, Jane, Sujatha, Satish and Anissa


  • CLI has committed to do add the 5 options (--monitor etc) to create-http-lb command
  • CLI changes are summarized at [/gfwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=LBCommands]LB changes].
  • Sujatha is committed to provide a GUI functional specification
  • Is Application Server EE is not shipping native SSL utils like pk12util and certutil?
  • Jane, Prashant and Satish to meet and review if the backend can support the new LB commands or need enhancements.
    • Action Items:*
    • Find another meeting time, 9 am meeting has conflicts - Satish
    • Davis to send out the backend LB functional specification
    • Debug LB monitoring funcationality - Satish and Davis
    • Evaluate the P2 bug (6481098) - Satish