Loadbalancer Administration – September 22

Ana, Sujatha, Jane, Sathyan, Nazrul, Davis, Satish and Anissa


  • Discussion about Installer to support either Web Server 6.1 SP4 or Web Server 7.0 or both. It was decided that both versions of the web server must be supported.
  • delete-http-lb-config requires user to delete refs inside it, before it is deleted. An additional CLI option must be provided so that entire config is deleted.
  • Satyan showed concern in using non java based commands like pk12util and certutil in the installer. He will test these utils to make sure they return proper exit codes, in case of failure scenarios.
  • configure-lb-weight command needs to be evaluated in depth. QA is going to test configure-lb-weight to see if it covers/works for all scenarios.
    • Action Items:*
    • Add current tested Web Server version(s) information to Load Balancer module page - Satish
    • Invite Prasad to discuss upgrade issues - Satish
    • File an RFE on Web Server 6.1 about pre-packaging a self signed certificate - Satish
    • Update on testing the configure-lb-weight CLI command - Davis
    • File a RFE for adding --force option for delete-http-lb-config command - Satish
    • Add the list of bugs to be fixed in CLI and GUI to the LB Admin module page - Satish