Loadbalancer Administration – September 29 Attendees: Ana, Jane, Prashant, Davis, Nazrul, Satish and Anissa Summary:
- Discussed the following CLI commands
- create-http-lb-config – add --enableallinstances and --enabledallapplications, clarify that either one of options --config or --target is required.
- delete-http-lb-config – needs to have a --force option. Name of this option needs to be finalized
- list-http-lb-configs – no changes
- create-http-lb-ref – no changes how ever examples need to be provided, so that all options and their usage is clear.
- delete-http-lb-ref – new option --force. Please make sure that user should exercise caution in using these options. If these options only make sense, if the load balancer is no longer used and being deleted.
- export-http-lb-config – new option --retrieve the file to the local machine
- disable-http-lb-server – no changes
- enable-http-lb-server – no changes
- disable-http-lb-application – no changes
- enable-http-lb-application – no changes
- create-http-health-checker – no changes
- delete-http-health-checker – no changes
- create-http-lb – new option --target, either --target or --config is required, but both at the same time are not allowed. --target creates a config with default values and given target as ref in it. --enableAllInstances and --enableAllApplications options are also available.
- configure-http-lb-config – remove this command
- configure-lb-weight – Keep it as is, useful to set weights for multiple instances. If any of the instance name is misspelt, the whole command is not excuted and exception in thrown.
- delete-http-lb – Deletes the load balancer and its configuration. If another load balancer pointing to the same lb config, only the lb deleted and lb config is left as is.
- list-http-lbs – no changes
- apply-lb-changes – no changes
- ping-http-lb – new command to ping LB
- valid property names for load balancer
- device-host, device-admin-port, device-ssl-enabled, ssl-proxy-host, ssl-proxy-port
- Action Items:*
- Davis needs to finalize CLI test plan by Oct 4th, so we are having another im-promptu meeting before to finalize CLIs today - All
- GUI to add the missing "health check interval" option - Anissa/Ana
- Follow up on semantics of health checker element from LB - Satish