A Glossary of New LB Commands

New LB Commands

For brevity, common_options is used for the meta options (user, host, port, passwordfile, etc.) in the the Options column.

Id Command name and brief description Options, one per line, with legal and default values Operand, one per line, with brief description
01 *create-http-lb*: creates the loadbalancer element in domain.xml. This command will also create the lb-config, target reference (cluster-ref/server-rev) and healthchecker
--devicehost device_host_or_ip
--deviceport device_port
[--sslproxyhost proxy host]
[--sslproxyport proxy port]
[--target target]
[--lbpolicy lb_policy]
[--lbpolicymodule lb_policy_module
[--healthcheckerurl url]
[--healthcheckerinterval 10]
[--healthcheckertimeout 10]
[--lbweight instance=weight[:instance=weight]*]
[--responsetimeout 60] 
[--reloadinterval 60] 
[--property name=value[:name=value]*]
loadbalancer_name (The name of the loadbalancer element to create.)
02 *delete-http-lb*: deletes the loadbalancer element in domain.xml ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570351~UWC_TOKEN_END|loadbalancer_name (The name of the loadbalancer element to delete.)
03 *list-http-lbs*: lists the loadbalancer elements ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570352~UWC_TOKEN_END|
04 *apply-http-lb-changes*: Publishes the changes to load balancer ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570353~UWC_TOKEN_END|loadbalance_name (The name of the loadbalancer to publish.)
05 *configure-lb-weight*: Assigns weights for the server instances of a cluster ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570354~UWC_TOKEN_END|instance=weight

Changes to the Existing LB Commands:

Id Command name and brief description Options, one per line, with legal and default values Operand, one per line, with brief description
01 *create-http-lb-ref*: creates a cluster/instance reference to an existing load balancer configuration. The new options are: lbname, healthcheckerurl, healthcheckerinterval, healthcheckertimeout, lbEnableAllInstances, lbEnableAllApplicaiton and lbweight. If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown. This command will create a target reference to the specified loadbalancer name (lbname). The lbweight option is not a high priority since there is a configure-lb-weight command. ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570357~UWC_TOKEN_END|target (The target to be added to the load balancer configuration or loadbalancer. target can either be a cluster or an instance name.)
02 *delete-http-lb-ref*: deletes a cluster/instance reference from a load balancer config. Thew new options are: lbname and force. If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception will be thrown. If --force is true, then the target reference will be removed even though there are instance/application that are enabled. ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570358~UWC_TOKEN_END| target (The target to be removed from the load balancer config or loadbalancer
03 *export-http-lb-config*: creates the loadbalancer.xml file consumed by the load balancer plugins. The new options are: lbname and retrieve If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown. If retrieve is true, then loadbalancer.xml is retrieved from a remote machine. ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570359~UWC_TOKEN_END|
(The file name is optional and can be: * omitted in which case a file named loadbalancer.xml is created in the $INSTANCE_ROOT/generated directory. * a directory (relative or absolute) in which case a file named loadbalancer.xml is created in the specified directory. * a file name (relative or absolute) in which case the named file is created.

There are no changes to the following LB commands:
create-http-lb-conifg, delete-http-lb-config, list-http-lb-configs, disable-http-lb-server, enable-http-lb-server, disable-http-lb-application, enable-http-lb-application, create-http-health-checker and delete-http-health-checker.