A Glossary of New LB Commands New LB Commands For brevity, common_options is used for the meta options (user, host, port, passwordfile, etc.) in the the Options column.
Id |
Command name and brief description |
Options, one per line, with legal and default values |
Operand, one per line, with brief description |
01 |
*create-http-lb*: creates the loadbalancer element in domain.xml. This command will also create the lb-config, target reference (cluster-ref/server-rev) and healthchecker |
--devicehost device_host_or_ip
--deviceport device_port
[--sslproxyhost proxy host]
[--sslproxyport proxy port]
[--target target]
[--lbpolicy lb_policy]
[--lbpolicymodule lb_policy_module
[--healthcheckerurl url]
[--healthcheckerinterval 10]
[--healthcheckertimeout 10]
[--lbweight instance=weight[:instance=weight]*]
[--responsetimeout 60]
[--reloadinterval 60]
[--property name=value[:name=value]*]
loadbalancer_name (The name of the loadbalancer element to create.) |
02 |
*delete-http-lb*: deletes the loadbalancer element in domain.xml |
~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570351~UWC_TOKEN_END|loadbalancer_name (The name of the loadbalancer element to delete.) |
03 |
*list-http-lbs*: lists the loadbalancer elements |
04 |
*apply-http-lb-changes*: Publishes the changes to load balancer |
~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570353~UWC_TOKEN_END|loadbalance_name (The name of the loadbalancer to publish.) |
05 |
*configure-lb-weight*: Assigns weights for the server instances of a cluster |
* |
Changes to the Existing LB Commands:
Id |
Command name and brief description |
Options, one per line, with legal and default values |
Operand, one per line, with brief description |
01 |
*create-http-lb-ref*: creates a cluster/instance reference to an existing load balancer configuration. The new options are: lbname, healthcheckerurl, healthcheckerinterval, healthcheckertimeout, lbEnableAllInstances, lbEnableAllApplicaiton and lbweight. If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown. This command will create a target reference to the specified loadbalancer name (lbname). The lbweight option is not a high priority since there is a configure-lb-weight command. |
~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570357~UWC_TOKEN_END|target (The target to be added to the load balancer configuration or loadbalancer. target can either be a cluster or an instance name.) |
02 |
*delete-http-lb-ref*: deletes a cluster/instance reference from a load balancer config. Thew new options are: lbname and force. If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception will be thrown. If --force is true, then the target reference will be removed even though there are instance/application that are enabled. |
~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278943570358~UWC_TOKEN_END| target (The target to be removed from the load balancer config or loadbalancer |
03 |
*export-http-lb-config*: creates the loadbalancer.xml file consumed by the load balancer plugins. The new options are: lbname and retrieve If both --config and --lbname options are specified, then an exception is thrown. If retrieve is true, then loadbalancer.xml is retrieved from a remote machine. |
(The file name is optional and can be: * omitted in which case a file named loadbalancer.xml is created in the $INSTANCE_ROOT/generated directory. * a directory (relative or absolute) in which case a file named loadbalancer.xml is created in the specified directory. * a file name (relative or absolute) in which case the named file is created. |
There are no changes to the following LB commands: create-http-lb-conifg, delete-http-lb-config, list-http-lb-configs, disable-http-lb-server, enable-http-lb-server, disable-http-lb-application, enable-http-lb-application, create-http-health-checker and delete-http-health-checker.