Owner Module Dependencies Comments
*Kedar* *AdminService* Configuration, Admin Channel, MBeanServer  
*Nandini* *JMXConnector* Security (for key/trust stores)  
*Shingwai* *Security* ?  
*Sankara Rao* *Self Management* Admin Service  
*Marina* *PersistenceManager* Needs the Logger to be already set up. Depends on these operations: ApplicationLoaderEventNotifier. getInstance().addListener ConnectorRuntime.getRuntime(). getResourceRebindEventNotifier(). addListener.
*Siva* *JMS Provider* JMXConnector/RMIRegistry *Kedar:* Are you sure? Didn't this depend on the JMXConnector/RMIRegistry so that you could register the JMS provider's remote stub? Siva: I thought this parallel LC module startup was for PE alone and then assumed JMXConnector/RMIRegistry would be available when the broker starts up on demand. Now that I understand that this is for EE as well, yes JMS depends on JMXConnector/RMIRegistry to be available. Thanks for the catch.
*Satish* *AppservWSMgmt* No dependencies (except registry of listeners WebServiceEndpointEvent, TransformationRuleEvent and RegistryLocationEvent and on interfaces like DeploymentEventManager and AdminEventListener)  
*Tim Quinn* *SystemApp* JBI DeploymentService MBean, plus all dependencies listed for App LC, plus whatever is required by deployment and downstream (due to auto-deploy of system apps during initial start-up) *Tim:* This and the ApplicationLC have not been main focus areas for me. But I have surveyed them and have made my best assessment.
*Binod* *LifeCycleModule* no dependencies  
*Tim Quinn* *Application Lifecycle* MBean server, AppsConfigMBean, OnDemandServer, JSR-77 root?  
*Jan Luehe* *PE WebContainer* ServerContext  
*Sankara Rao* *DeclarativeLifeCycleEventService* Admin Service  
*Shreedhar* *GroupManagement Service* no dependencies  
*Mahesh* *EJBLifeCycleImpl* depends on GMS *Kedar:*That's all right, but does it mean that EJB containers won't be available till the GMS is ready? I am not sure if we want to do that. Also, in the developer profile, when there are no clusters, GMS won't be available.
*Sreenivas* *Cascading* depends JMXConnector Lifecycle  
*Satish* *LoadBalancerAdmin* depends on AdminService *Kedar:*I have sent you an e-mail with a question in it. Do we really need this LC? Why do you want to listen directly to the ConfigContext changes?
*Siraj* *JESMFLifeCycle* JMXConnector com.sun.enterprise.ee.admin.jesmf. lifecycle.JESMFLifeCycle onReady() method implements startup code.
*Keith* *JBI (Lifecycle defined in domain.xml)* AdminService/AdminContext, ServerContext, AMX, JMXConnector  
*Alexey* *WSTCP(Lifecycle defined in domain.xml)* no dependencies