Plan for Launch We want to formally kick-start GF v2 as we release Milestone 1. This is to emphasize both the goals of the release and to encourage further participation from all parts of the community. Target date is around August 17th (M1 + 1). Milestone is 16th. ToDo
- What to notify the rest of the GF projects (epll)
- Add some link from JSC to M1? (valerie)
- Fix GF.Dev.Java.Net to include news on M1 (epll?)
- Ask people to add developer information
Events include:
- Announcing the new Public Wiki site (very much in progress)
- Asking for people interested in contributing
- Dhiru will create Forum posts per 1-pager
- And 1-pagers live at this GF wiki.
- 2 Slide Decks
- 1 on goals of release and community (for USER) (wiki in here) (epll)
- 1 on features of release and timing and milestoners (for DEV) (sridatta)
- Announce on TA & Forums
- Follow-up discussion threads as they happen
- Release of Milestone 1
- Hudson and CVS News live, outside the firewall (optional & can happen ahead)
- CVS-News is waiting on GlassFishWiki.ORG to be live...
- Clustering is in. Awaiting a blog.
- Update the M1 list with pointers to blogs
Staging and Dates
- (Aug 10) Activate GlassFishWiki.ORG
- (Aug 11) Heads up to "the non-Sun bloggers"
- (many) Blogs as they happen
- (Aug 8 - done) Cluster code goes out
- (Aug 16) Notify DEV&USERS mailing list and Forum
- (Aug 10) WS rearch Arch Docs out - ongoing...
- (Aug 11) V3 Modularization Documents? - check with Abhijit
- (Aug 16) V2 M1 goes up
- (Same) Post slides/webcast
- WebCast - we will use camtasia
- Wiki Migration
- Activate GlassFishWiki.ORG
- Switch content from GlassFishPlanet.ORG and shutdown that site
- Sketch Goals of Wiki
- Collect list of bloggers to notify
- Get them to link to TheAquarium
- Give them a preview.
- Give them a we are on when it happens.