Lighting Talks for CommunityOne 2008

This is part of the CommunityOne Events.


  • Time 4pm
  • Date Monday, May 5th 2008
  • Venue Moscone, ESP 305
  • Moderator Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine


  1. Hudson by Kohsuke Kawaguchi (confirmed)
  2. GreenFire by Adam Bien (confirmed)
  3. Underworld by Adam Bien and Michael Bien (confirmed)
  4. IzPack by Julien Pongue (confirmed)
  5. Terracotta by Ari (confirmed)
  6. Sailfin - Christer Boberg (confirmed one of them will do it)
  7. RTL use-case - Daniel Chan (confirmed)
  8. GlassFish Embedded - Kohsuke Kawaguchi (confirmed)

Final Slides


  • Very very short.
  • 5 minutes; 1 minute transition and next person starts.
  • You should rehearse it because you need to get your message across in that time
  • If you want slides, I need them (alexis DOT mp AT sun DOT com), in ODP or PPT format, by 8am PT on Monday