List of enhancements by area (These are in additions to ones listed on high level features page) General:
- Update Derby to 10.2
- Update datadirect drivers
- Performance related work
- commons-modeler performance Issue: 1034 (Amy?) - 1 week
- Remove copying data between buffers (jfarcand) - 1 week
- One ByteBuffer per Thread (jfarcand) - DONE
- WebContainer integration via J2EEInstanceListener is inefficient Issue: 858 (jfarcand) - 1 week
- Rollback when insufficient data is present (jfarcand) - DONE
- Look into more complex JSPs and code generation (possibly fixed in 8.x; based on old report from PAE) (kchung) - Non-issue: already handled in AS9
- Avoid treating default-web-module as separate web application Issue: 1024 (jluehe) - 4 days
- Valve optimizations
- Coordinate with admin team's profiling work to make sure access logging is turned off by default in development profile (jluehe) - 2 days
- Optimize SSO valve invocation if the request does not carry any JSESSIONIDSSO cookie Issue: 836 (jluehe) - DONE
- Simplify JSP string encoding Issue: 843 (kchung) - 1 week
- See if we should optimize for the HTTP 1.1 path, possibly taking an expensive hit for 1.0 (jfarcand) - 3 days
- OPTIMIZATION - Avoid reparsing the web.xml in the JSP container Issue: 740 (jluehe) - DONE
- Make it possible for servlet and JSP containers to share TLD uri-to-location mappings Issue: 747 (jluehe) - DONE
- Support sharing of JSP taglib instances by all translation units in a webcontext Issue: 750 (jluehe) - DONE
- Do not include cookie for invalidated HTTP session in the response Issue: 896 (jluehe) - DONE
- JSF performance (rlubke) PENDING
- Grizzly v2 related work (jfarcand) - 4 weeks
- Grizzly in Jetty (jfarcand) - 1 week
- Push Grizzly v1 runtime to ibiblio (jfarcand) - 1 week
- Grizzly requests logging Issue: 754 - DONE
- http to https redirect 4848(4849) Issue: 741 - 1 week
- JSR 199 (In process JSP compilation) support (kchung) - ALMOST DONE
- Spec MRs (to be filed by end of September)
- JSP 2.1 MRx (kchung)
- Separate EL into its own spec
- Make EL implementation pluggable Issue: 802 - 2 days
- Add expression factory
- Standalone EL TCK (nrodin)
- port ELResolver API tests - DONE
- port MethodExpression API tests - DONE
- port ValueExpression, ExpressionFactory API tests - 1 day
- port 2.1 Spec tests - 4 days
- port 2.0 Literal tests - 1 day
- port 2.0 Operators tests - 10 days
- port 2.0 Coercion tests - 5 days
- port other 2.0 tests - 1 day
- add VariableMapper API - 2 days
- add Expression implements Serializable - 1 day
- add Expression.equals(), getExpressionString() - 1 day
- add ELContextListener.contextCreated() - 2 days
- add ELContext get and setLocale() - 1 day
- add Resolver valuation tests - 2 days
- add ExpressionFactoryMultipleThreads test - 3 days
- add ExpressionFactory types tests - 1 day
- add other EL Spec and Javadoc tests - 3 days
- build TCK infrastructure - 3 days
- testing - 1 day
- Docs - 5 days
- Servlet 2.5 MR6 (mode)
- Servlet compliance tests breaking when response committed before returning from a RequestDispatcher.forward Issue: 30
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- TCK - Tests currently being excluded I believe.
- Allow Servlet context init params to be added / configured from a container wide deployment descriptor Issue 31
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- RI Done
- TCK Done
- Special symbols in non-standard HTTP methods Issue: 32
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- RI update (amyroh) - 1 day
- Clarify session attribute synchronization Issue: 33
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- TCK for HttpSession.getLastAccessedTime() (Fujitsu issue) (djiao) - 2 days
- Include lookup method in ServletContext Issue: 35
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- RI (amyroh) - 2 days
- TCK (djiao) - 2 days
- Clarification of scope of request and call to removeAttribute method Issue: 36
- Spec update (mode) - 1 day
- RI already behaving the way we expect
- TCK - no change
- JSTL 1.2 MRx (jluehe)
- Bring spec into alignment with existing RI - 1 day
- JSF 1.2 MR1
- Who Derives The ViewId Issue 162
- Spec update (rogerk) DONE
- Implementation (rlubke) DONE
- TCK test (see below)
- Redundant Annotation Verbage Issue 166 (rogerk) DONE
- Clarify Verbatim Usage Issue 167 (rogerk) DONE
- Incorrect Spec Reference:externalContext.getRequestScope() Issue 196 (rogerk) DONE
- Default encodeChildren() Behavior In Absence Of Renderer Issue 169 (rogerk) DONE
- EnumConverter Cleanup Issue 172 (rogerk) DONE
- Incorrect Reference To jsp-version Element Issue 203 (rogerk) DONE
- TLD Attribute Type Of h:dataTable Var Attr Should Not Be VE Enabled RI Issue 321 (rlubke) DONE
- Generify class variable PhaseId.VALUES Issue 182 (edburns) - DONE
- UIComponentELTag.setBinding Issue 184 (rogerk) DONE
- Accessibility enhancements for DataTable RI Issue 341 (edburns) - 10 days DONE
- Section 3.1.1 Component Identifiers - Assertion for subsequent chars Issue 185 (rogerk) DONE
- Incorrect converter-id for javax.faces.DoubleConverter Issue 176 (rogerk) DONE
- Incorrect tlddocs description for f:selectItem "value" attribute Issue 187 (rogerk) DONE
- javadocs/ConverterException-ConverterTag/ConverterELTag RI Issue 344 (rogerk)
- Part 1 - Specify local value conversion DONE
- Part 2 - Specify what to do when conversion error - DONE
- Section ViewRoot 'locale' Attribute Value - Seperator Char Assertion Issue 192 (rogerk) DONE
- Section 3.1.1 Redundant Id Uniqueness Verbage Issue 193 (rogerk) DONE
- f:setPropertyActionListener:Use Converter If Attached To Component Issue 197 (rogerk) - 5 days DONE
- NPE and SelectItem Issue 198 (rogerk) DONE
- Input Controls: Rendering The Id RI Issue 309 (rogerk) DONE
- RenderKit Docs: Too Restrictive For CommandLink Issue 199 (edburns) - 2 days DONE
- Incorrect tlddocs description for f:convertNumber "type" attribute RI Issue 387 (rogerk) DONE
- TCK Development
- invokeOnComponent Issue 145 (dougd) - 3 days |
- RestoreView Issue 162 (dougd) - 5 days
- Managed bean Annotations (nrodin) - 5 days
- UIComponentBase.encodeChildren() Issue 169 (dougd) (lower priority) - 2 days
- Enum converter Issue 172 (nrodin) 3 days
- Accessibility enhancements for DataTable Issue 341 (dougd) (lower priority) - 3 days
- ConverterTag.doStartTag and ConverterELTag.doStartTag Issue 344 (dougd) - 3 days
- f:setPropertyActionListener:Use Converter Issue 197 (dougd) (low priority) - 5 days
- Render kit tests (including issues 199 + 309) (dougd) - 10 days
- Content Interweaving (nrodin) - 3 days
- Testing (dougd) - 2 days
- Web container
- Support HA/In-memory-replication store SPI (lwhite/jluehe)
- Multiple docroot support Issue: 948 (jluehe) - 4 days
- Multi-byte redirect URI not properly encoded, resulting in 404 error Issue: 936 (jluehe) - DONE
- Multibyte characters in JSP file names Issue: 797 (jluehe) - DONE
- JSR-88 DeploymentManager.redeploy fails for ear Issue: 862 (jluehe) - DONE
- Add support for %time-taken% token to access log pattern Issue: 973 (jluehe) - DONE
- Redeployment memory leak investigation Issue: 587 (jluehe) - 3 days
- Changing http-listener properties requires server restart Issue: 462 (jfarcand) - 2 days
- Allow dynamic property changes Issue: 547 (jluehe) - DONE
- Cleanup default HTTP pages Issue: 254 (jluehe) - DONE
- Impossible for JSP error page to set response encoding when invoked from another JSP Issue: 815 (jluehe) - 1 day
- Namespace Prefix in EL Qualified Functions with '.' or '-' Issue: 839 (jluehe) - 2 days
- Generated servlet error when app. server installed in a path with space Issue: 845 (amyroh) - 2 days
- Connection reset by peer accessing Admin UI and custom web apps (including OpenCMS) Issue: 888 (Amy) - 1 week
- HttpSession.getLastAccessedTime(): Session's lastAccessedTime must be updated by mere presence of JSESSIONID in request (jluehe) - 1 day
- Support AJP13 Issue: 200 (amyroh) - DONE
- Simulating load traffic onto port 4848 or 8080 hangs PE Issue: 677 (jfarcand) - 2 days once reproduced
- MapELResolver.setValue sometimes throws UnsupportedOperation Issue: 567 (kchung) - 2 days
- Modularization changes to improve startup performance
Web Tier Schedule Admin:
Admin GUI
- Charting in PE
- Expose Resource Allocation Feature in GUI
- OnlineWikiHelp per GUI page
- Static Promotions page when offline
- Better user experience feedback using promotions frame
- Admin GUI using JSF (PE app)