Preparing the Application for Migration

You need to complete these steps only if you intend to migrate an entire application.
The Migration Tool accepts one of the following as input:

  • An application archive (EAR/WAR/JAR/RAR file).
  • A directory that contains source files.

Required Setup

If you specify an archive as input, the Migration Tool will migrate the deployment descriptors (DDs) and source files, if any are present. Source files are not usually packaged in the archive so, in most cases, only DDs are migrated, and the tool just copies unchanged class files to the output directory. In this scenario, you do not have to do any additional preparation for the application archive.
If you specify a source directory as input, the Migration Tool requires the application to conform to the Java EE application directory structure as described in the Java EE specification. Follow these steps to prepare your application, if it is not already in the correct structure:
In a new directory, issue the jar -xvf command to extract the EAR file and all the containing JAR and/or WAR files of the deployed application. This makes the server-specific DDs available to the Migration Tool.
Copy the source files that correspond to the class files into the proper directories created in step 1. Do this in such a way that all of the Java files that correspond to the relevant class files reside in the same directory. When both source and class files are present, the Migration Tool will migrate just the source files.
Provide the directory that contains the application as input to the Migration Tool. This is the directory that was created in step 1.

Optional Setup

Migrating Server Configuration Parameters

If you want to migrate selected parameters from the server configuration files, copy the relevant files from the source application server to the directory that will be provided as input to the Migration Tool. These files include:

  • *-service.xml file for JBoss 3.0
  • server-cfg.xml file for IBM WebSphere 4.0
  • file and startup classes, if any are used, for Weblogic 5.1
  • config.xml file and start up classes (if used) for Weblogic 6.0 and 6.1
  • file for Java EE Reference Implementation

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