Tomcat -> GlassFish: Support for context.xml

context.xml is supported in GlassFish v2 except for the following.

  • Realm configuration. See this forum thread for details.
  • DBCP Pool parameters. See the table "GlassFish Pool <-> DBCP Pool parameters" below for more information.

GlassFish Pool <-> DBCP Pool parameters

Following table shows the mapping of the GlassFish jdbc-connection-pool parameters with that of the DBCP's parameters.

*DBCP* *GlassFish*
username (Property) user
password (Property) password
url (Property) url
driverClassName None
connectionProperties None
defaultAutoCommit None
defaultReadOnly None
defaultTransactionIsolation transaction-isolation-level
defaultCatalog None
initialSize steady-pool-size
maxActive max-pool-size
maxIdle None
minIdle None
maxWait max-wait-time-in-millis
validationQuery validation-table-name which will take only the tableName from the query
testOnBorrow is-connection-validation-required
testOnReturn None
testWhileIdle None
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis same as idle-timeout-in-seconds
numTestsPerEvictionRun pool-resize-quantity
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis idle-timeout-in-seconds. Conversion TBD appropriately.
poolPreparedStatements None
maxOpenPreparedStatements None
accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed None but it can be done programmatically
removeAbandoned connection-leak-reclaim
removeAbandonedTimeout connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds
logAbandoned When connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds is set to a non-zero value, stack trace is generated automatically.