We welcome your addition FAQs of your own and enhance and update what's already here. This is a work in progress and your contributions are definitely needed. Be sure to read How do I contribute to this Developer FAQ?, which contains guidelines about content and format. Nothing too restrictive, just some things we should all pay attention to. Also check back periodically to see if you can answer any of the questions listed in the Developer FAQ Wish List section. If you're new to wiki, see the One Minute Wiki and Text Formatting Rules. To test things out, try the Sand Box. And as always, remember your Wiki Etiquette. If you have questions or suggestions about this FAQ, please contact [^mailto:users@mq.java.net]. You can subscribe to the list from the Open MQ mailing lists page.
Suggested ways to contribute
- Post the answer to an existing question for which an answer is needed*
(questions listed in the FAQ Wish List section on the main FAQ page). Maybe you've struggled with the same problem and finally figured it out. Maybe you've blogged about the subject or answered the same question when it's come up over and over again in one of the forums. If you have expertise to share, please do so.
- Post a new question for which you also have the answer.*
First make sure the FAQ doesn't already exist (if it does, see the point below). Then ask yourself if this is really a frequently asked question. Is it something that's been asked and answered many times on mailing lists? Is it something many people (especially developers new to Open MQ!) are likely to ask about and need help with? If so, add it.
- Add more information to an FAQ written by someone else.* If you've got something to add that will improve an existing FAQ, please do so. Maybe that's a detailed example (examples are good!), a workaround that worked for you late one night when nothing else did, or a cool tip that people should know about.
FAQ format FAQ entries should use the same naming convention and follow the same format. This is really important. Please do the following:
- Use the OpenMQFAQ prefix when naming a wiki page*, and make the rest of the name short but descriptive. For instance, the name of this page is OpenMQFAQContributeToDeveloperFAQ.
- Add new FAQs in the appropriate category.* If you don't see the category on the main Open MQ Developer FAQ page, add it. You must also add a corresponding entry to the Table of Contents on the main page so people can easily find what you've added. Follow the format of the other entries on this main page.
- Repeat your question as a heading on the answer page, and make sure the question matches what's listed on the main Developer FAQ page.* For instance, the question How do I contribute to this Developer FAQ? is listed on both the main Open MQ Developer FAQ page and at the top of this answer page. One example of a mismatch that would need correcting is the question How do I contribute to this Developer FAQ? and the answer Contributing to this FAQ.
- Use a medium-sized heading for the question at the start of your answer* (!! markup). For instance, How do I contribute to this Developer FAQ? at the top of this page has slightly larger text and a different color. That was accomplished by using !! heading markup.
- Follow a few simple editorial guidelines.* The name GlassFish has an uppercase F. For example, GlassFish instead of Glassfish. The version number is referred to with a lowercase v. For example, v2 or v3 instead of V2 or V3. Also use the lowercase v instead of the full word version. For example, use v3 instead of version 3. This usage is clearly not consistent on the wiki but should be followed when adding new content.
FAQ content guidelines
- Follow the format guidelines listed above.* Consistency is important.
- Make sure the FAQ is developer-focused rather than user-focused*, geared toward developers of Open MQ rather than users of Open MQ. For user-related questions, go to the Open MQ User FAQ.
- Make your FAQ title a real question that someone would actually ask.* It should be short and to the point, ideally not longer than one line and providing a concise summary of what the topic is about.
To add new FAQs
- Click Log In at the top of the page and authenticate. You'll need to register for an account if you don't have one. See How do I register? for more information about registration.
- Click GlassFish Developer FAQ on the left if you're not already on this page. The GlassFishDeveloperFAQ page is displayed.
- Click Edit at the bottom of the page. This Edit option is not available unless you're logged in. See Why can't I edit a GlassFish Wiki page? if you're logged in and this Edit option is not available.
- Scroll to the appropriate category (such as Classloaders) and add your question to the list, following the format used for other questions and paying attention to the guidelines listed above. If you don't see a category that fits, create one. Important: If you add a new category you must also add a corresponding entry in the Table of Contents. Follow the same format used for other entries.
- Preview your entries, modify if necessary, then save.
- Click your question in the list on the GlassFishDeveloperFAQ page and add content to the resulting topic page.
- Preview your content, modify if necessary, then save.
To edit existing FAQs
- Click Log In at the top of the page and authenticate. You'll need to register for an account if you don't have one. See How do I register? for more information about registration.
- Click GlassFish Developer FAQ on the left if you're not already on this page. The GlassFishDeveloperFAQ page is displayed.
- Click the link for the FAQ you want to edit. The topic page is displayed.
- Click Edit at the bottom of the page. This Edit option is not available unless you're logged in. See Why can't I edit a GlassFish Wiki page? if you're logged in and this Edit option is not available.
- Edit the content on the page that displays.
- Preview your changes, modify if necessary, then save.