Ideas on Consolidation of Mailing Lists and Forums Caveat: Brainstorming. These look the most likely actions...
- close USERS@jwsdp (redirect to USERS @ GF)
- close USERS@jsf (no traffic, use jsc forum)
- close DEV@jax-rpc (no traffic, use DEV@jax-ws)
- close Binary forum @ JN, merge with GF forum
- close GF Plugins @ JN, merge with GF forum
- rename jMaki forum @ JN into W2.0 forum or AJAX forum
Some other ideas/observations...
- move JBI@JSC into OpenJBI @ JN
- single USERS for Portal & friends. Perhaps exception for Portlet Repository? Or not
- single USERS for OpenSSO/OpenFederation
- think hard about WSIT forum @ JN.
- think hard about Java Blueprints @ JSC
- think about Java EE SDK @ JSC
- consolidate the SJS AS @SC forums into a single one
- close USERS@fi (merge into GF forum)
- consolidate USERS @ jax-rpc and USERS @ jax-ws (and maybe USERS@wsit?)
- What should we do with the new CollabNet forum functionality?
- It seems most of the JAXB/JAX-WS forum @ JN is actually JAXB traffic.
- Consider moving USER aliases for JAXB and WebServices into