Admin Console One Pager Review

Document: 3.1 Admin Console One Pager

Reviewer: Arun Gupta

Review date: May 20, 2010

Response date: May 20, 2010

Item Type Comment Response
General Clarification The difference between CLI and GUI should be highlighted, especially the exclusive features. AL: Will do. But at this point, there isn't any feature that is exclusive in GUI.
4.1.3 Clarification Will the verbose mode of application versioning be displayed any where ? AL: The application table will have a column that specifies the application version if there is one for that application.
4.1.1 Clarification Redeploying an app to a cluster will be supported ? AL: Redeployment only redeploy the bits, it will not change any of the attributes, including target. So, if the app is deployed to a target, it will remain so.