Contents Previous Next MDB Messages ----MDB0002 Could not get server session: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB0003 Exception on getting server session Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB0006 Get session failed: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB0007 Get session throws exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB0008 throws Exception 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB0009 throws Exception Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00010 Exception while cleaning up ServerSession 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00011 Exception while cleaning up ServerSession Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00012 ServerSession.getSession() must be called first before calling ServerSession.start() Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00013 Create ServerSession error: 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00014 Exception while Creating ServerSession Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00015 0: Message-driven bean destination name 1 not found Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00016 0: Name not found exception: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00017 An error occurred during the message-driven beancontainer initialization at runtime. Cause: The most common cause for this is that the physical resource (e.g. Queue) from which the message-driven bean is consuming either does not exist or has been configured incorrectly. Another common error is that the message-driven bean implementation class does not correctly implement the required javax.ejb.MessageBean or MessageListener interfaces. Solution: Double-check that the JNDI name of the message-driven bean's resource in sun-ejb-jar.xml is correct. It is also useful to run the verifier to check that the code requirements for the message-driven bean class have been fulfilled. ----MDB00018 0: Closing message-driven bean container connection Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00019 0: Message-driven bean container connection closed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00020 0: Exception in closing message-driven bean container: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00021 0: Message-driven bean destination type mismatch. Destination 1 is not of type 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00022 0: Message-driven bean listening on JMS destination 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00023 0: Invalid max-messages-load 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00024 0: Message-driven bean container connection factory 1 not found: 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00025 0: Message-driven bean connection factory type mismatch. Connection factory 1 is not of type 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00026 0: Unable to start message-driven bean container connection: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00027 0: Connection exception event for 1, 2, 3 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00028 0: Message-driven bean container using external connection factory object: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00029 0: Register message-driven bean container bean-pool monitor failed: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00030 0: Exception in setting up message-driven bean container: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00031 0: Message-driven bean container connection factory 1 not found. Use default Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00032 0: Message-driven bean container connection factory not specified. Use default Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00033 0: Message-driven bean container reconnecting ... Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00034 0: Message-driven bean container reconnected Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00035 0: Exception on message-driven bean pool close: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00036 0: Message-driven bean preInvoke() failed Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00037 0: Message-driven bean invocation exception: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00038 0: No message-driven bean context in message listener : 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00039 0: Message sent to a destroyed message-driven bean : 1 , 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00040 0: Message-driven bean CMT can not be supported. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00041 0: Message-driven bean onMessage error: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00042 0: No invocation for message 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00043 0: Exception in reading mdb-container configuration: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00044 Deploying message-driven bean 0, consuming from 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00045 Undeploying message-driven bean 0 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00046 Message-driven bean 0: onMessage RuntimeException occurred: 1. 2 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00047 Message-driven bean 0: Some application or unchecked exception occurred : 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00048 An error occurred during the pre-invocation processing before a message-driven bean MessageListener method is called. Cause: This is often caused by some transaction-related errors. Solution: Double-check the transaction configuration for the message-driven bean and consult stack trace for additional details. ----MDB00049 Message-driven bean 0: Exception in postinvoke : 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00050 An error occurred during the lifecycle initialization of a message-driven bean instance. Cause: This typically means a system exception was thrown from the bean code during the execution of the no-arg constructor, the setMessageDrivenContext method, or the ejbCreate method. Common causes are failed naming service lookups coding errors, or ClassNotFound errors. Solution: Check the stack trace to see which method threw the exception. If the error was caused by a NamingException, double-check the environment configuration (ejb-refs, resource-refs, etc.) in the deployment descriptor against the coded names. It would also be useful to run the verifier. ----MDB00051 An error occurred while the container was destroying an instance of a message-driven bean. Cause: The most common cause is that a message-driven bean class threw a system exception from its ejbRemove method. Solution: Check the message driven bean's ejbRemove implementation to determine what would result in an exception. Also consult the stack trace for more information. ----MDB00052 An error occurred while the container was enabling the message flow into a message-driven bean. Cause: This is an internal error that typically means there is a problem with the messaging system from which the message-driven bean is consuming. Solution: Check the stack trace for more details. ----MDB00053 Message-driven bean 0 container cleanup exception: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00054 Message-driven bean 0: Exception setting bean context : 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00055 Message-driven bean 0: Exception in closing consumer : 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00056 Message-driven bean 0: start cleanup for shutdown Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00057 Message-driven bean 0: finished cleanup for shutdown Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00058 Message-driven bean 0: connection exception 1 during server shutdown. ignore. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00059 {0}}: Exception on unregistering monitor mbean: 1 Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----MDB00060 0: Invalid value 1 for 2, use 3 instead Cause: TBD Solution: TBD Contents Previous Next