Hi Richard and All. This is again a good question and it is the one I am looking for detailed answer too. Here are some links to start looking into. All of them came from the links FAQ bellow. Ideally we should have a doc to list out all the incompatible deployment descriptors in XML files. If any one know the answer, please jump in. (1) We need to know some success story to share with customer (2) We also need to know the issues need to be changed when doing the migration Please check the follows. FAQ: http://wiki.glassf4ish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishUserFAQ
- How do I migrate applications deployed on other application servers to GlassFish?
- How can I convert my Tomcat valve so it will work with GlassFish?
- Any migration issues I should consider in moving from GlassFish v1 to GlassFish v2?
- How do I migrate applications deployed on other application servers to GlassFish?
Thanks, Judy