Log redirection (for itself and for out-of-process sync VM)
Log Rotation
Multi-threaded starts of the instances (Performance requirement)
Inbound and Outbound Commnication from NA
Status check API for instance health check
DAS Discovery mechanism (when DAS moves etc, which DAS to connect version check, unique DAS identification)
Polling mechanism from NA to watch dog the instances (or Notification mechanism from instance to NA)
JMX connector for DAS to contact NA for management. (Grizzly Adapter for JMX HTTP)
Synchronization API
Sync API to contact DAS to download latest central repository contents over HTTP for itself.
Sync mechanism to contact DAS and sync it's children instances. This may require launching a separate sync VM as in v2 to provide the separate max heap size benefit for an out-of-process sync option
Published interface to support NA JavaConfig - processLauncher.xml equivalent
TrustStore/Keystores to act as the DAS/instance client
Master password protection to protect user/admin passwords