Back To Main Plugin QA Page June 02, 2008 Highlights:
- Converted [NB 6.1 Plugin Test Spec|^NetBeanPluginTestSpec6.1.html] to wiki format
- Tested NB 6.1 plugin with sailfin1.0 Promoted b34 build
- Tested NB 6.1 plugin with sailfin0.5 Promoted b34 build
- Total bug logged for the week : 4
- OS test: Solaris 10X86
- JDK test: 1.5.0_13
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test NB 6.1 with (NetBeans IDE Build 200805150003,OS:Solaris 10X86, GlassFush2.1(b33), JDK: 1.5.0_0.13)
- Work on Netbean Plugin QA wiki page
- Convert some Test Specs from format to wiki
- Work on NB 6.5 & Sailfin & GF V3 Testing Shedule
!! May 27, 2008 Highlights:
Builds and Platform Tested
- NB daily build: 200805220003
- Glassfish Server: Sailfin 1.0 installer (b32 ) as default local server
- Glassfish AppServer 911 (b31) for Automation
- OS: Solaris 10X86
- JDK: 1.6.0_03
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test NB 6.5 with (NetBeans IDE Build 200805150003,OS:Linux.4.0, GlassFush2.1(b33), JDK: 1.5.0_0.13)
- Work on Netbean Plugin QA wiki page
- Convert some Test Specs from format to wiki
- Work on NB 6.5 & Sailfin & GF V3 Testing Shedule
- Continue to run and investigate qa-functional test failure on promoted build
!! May 19, 2008 Highlights:
- Total bug logged for the week : 5 (4+1)
- Added 4 new test cases in Test Spec
- Bug verified and closed: 1 (issue 134601
- Created Netbean Plugin QA wiki page
- Contacted Petr Blaha for NB 6.5 Schedule, Task List and meetings
- Manually and automatically executed NB 6.1 with build and platform described below:
Builds and Platform Tested
- NB daily build 200805130003
- Glassfish Server: Sailfin 1.0 (b32 ) as default local server
- Glassfish AppServer 911 (b31) for Automation
- OS: Win XP & Solaris 10 x86
- JDK: 1.5.0_0.13
Components |
Test Scenarios |
Pass/Fail |
Comments |
New Per-Instance Options |
On pressing space, StartUpTimeOut time changes to some default value |
Issue 135035 |
Server Registry |
Register local default domain option is disabled on removing platform location |
Issue 135108 |
Register Remote domain |
"Could not create server instance" message disappears on selecting BACK>NEXT |
Issue 135113 |
JDBC Resource configuration |
Both radio buttons are enabled |
Issue 135207 |
Bugs Details
Next Week Plan:
- Continue to test NB 6.5 with (NetBeans IDE Build 200805150003,OS:Linux.4.0, GlassFush2.1(b33), JDK: 1.5.0_0.13)
- Work on Netbean Plugin QA wiki page
- Convert some Test Specs from format to wiki
- Work on NB 6.5 & Sailfin & GF V3 Testing Shedule
- Continue to run and investigate qa-functional test failure
!! May 13, 2008 GF2.1-Build 31
- Manually tested Netbeans (nightly 200805030003 build)
- Logged 6 issues
- Manually executed test cases on Profile Integration and filed issue 134515
- Manually executed Test cases on Server Registry and filed issue 134601
- Manually executed test cases on JMS Resources and filed issue 134653
- Manually executed test case on Java Mail Resources. No issues found.
- Manually executed test cases on JDBC Resource and filed issues
134913 , 134914 and 134943 AppServer 911 EE b31 promoted build
- Run qa-function automation Resources test suite with Glassfish 911 EE build on Solaris 10 x86 - 100% passed
- Run qa-function automation Configuration test suite with Glassfish 911 EE build on Solaris 10 x86 - 93.3% passed
- Run qa-function automation EJB Deployment test suite with Glassfish 911 EE build on Solaris 10 x86 - 100% passed
- Run qa-function automation JSF Deployment test suite with Glassfish 911 EE build on Solaris 10 x86 - 92% passed