World's first Java EE 7 Application Server
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[NB 6.8 Specifications (Davis Nguyen) |^TestSpec6.8]
NB 6.7 Test Plan & Specifications (Davis Nguyen)
Test Plan
[Test Specification|^TestSpec6.7]
JPA & AJAX Test Spec
Ad-hoc Test Specification (Davis Nguyen)
[EJB Plugin 6.5 Test Spec|^EJBTestSpec6.5.html]
[Netbean Plugin 6.5|^NetBeanPluginAdHocTestSpec6.5.html]
Test Specification (Kumar Dasari)
[Netbean Plugin 6.1|^NetBeanPluginTestSpec6.1.html]
[Netbean Plugin 6.5|^NetBeanPluginTestSpec6.5.html]
Test Plan and Test Specification (Nouar Garcia)
Netbean 6.0
Old Test Plan and Test Specification (NB 4.5/5.0/5.1/5.5)
Netbean Plugin 6.0 (Judy Tang, Li Wang & Davis Nguyen)
[Server Resgistration & Configuration|^netbean_plugin_server_registration_resource_config_testspec.html.pdf]
[Application Deployment and Configuation|^netbean_plugin_application_config_deployment_testspec.html.pdf]
Netbean Plugin 5.x (Davis Nguyen)
Server Resgistration
Resources and Configuation
Deployment and Runtime
Netbean Test Specifications