The wsimport tool generates JAX-WS portable artifacts, such as:
- Service Endpoint Interface (SEI)
- Service
- Exception class mapped from wsdl:fault (if any)
- Async Reponse Bean derived from response wsdl:message (if any)
- JAXB generated value types (mapped java classes from schema types)
These artifacts can be packaged in a WAR file with the WSDL and schema documents along with the endpoint implementation to be deployed.
Attributes |
Description |
Required |
wsdl |
WSDL file |
destdir |
Specify where to place output generated classes |
sourcedestdir |
Specify where to place generated source files, keep is turned on with this option |
keep |
Keep generated files, tunred on with sourcedestdir option |
verbose |
Output messages about what the compiler is doing |
binding |
Specify external JAX-WS or JAXB binding files |
extension |
allow vendor extentions (funcionality not specified by the specification). Use of extensions may result in applications that are not portable or may not interoperate with other implementations |
wsdllocation |
The wsdl URI passed thru this option will be used to set the value of @WebService.wsdlLocation and @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation annotation elements on the generated SEI and Service interface |
catalog |
Specify catalog file to resolve external entity references, it supports TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog format. Additionally, ant xmlcatalog type can be used to resolve entities, see wsimport_catalog sample. |
package |
Specifies the target package |
wsgen The wsgen tool generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. The tool reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for web service deployment, and invocation.
Attributes |
Description |
Required |
sei |
Name of the service endpoint implementation class |
destdir |
Specify where to place output generated classes |
classpath |
Specify where to find input class files |
cp |
Same as -classpath |
resourcedestdir |
Used only in conjunction with the -wsdl option. Specify where to place generated resource files such as WSDLs |
sourcedestdir |
Specify where to place generated source files |
keep |
Keep generated files |
verbose |
Output messages about what the compiler is doing |
genwsdl |
Specify that a WSDL file should be generated |
protocol |
Used in conjunction with genwsdl to specify the protocol to use in the wsdl:binding. Value values are "soap1.1" or "Xsoap1.2", default is "soap1.1". "Xsoap1.2" is not standard and can only be used in conjunction with the -extensions option |
servicename |
Used in conjunction with the genwsdl option. Used to specify a particular wsdl:service name for the generated WSDL.Example, servicename="
Unknown macro: {http}
MyService" |
portname |
Used in conjunction with the genwsdl option. Used to specify a particular wsdl:portmame name for the generated WSDL. Example, portname="
Unknown macro: {http}
MyPort" |
extension |
allow vendor extentions (funcionality not specified by the specification). Use of extensions may result in applications that are not portable or may not interoperate with other implementations |