WSIT (aka Project Tango) enables interoperability between the Java platform and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) (aka Indigo). The steps below describe how WSIT builds are integrated with the App Server.

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  1. WSIT will generate webservices.jar (runtime classes), webservices-tools.jar (tools classes), webservices-api.jar (JSR API classes) and jax-config.jar (XWSS config files) that will be integrated with the App Server.
  2. A new workspace is created where each WSIT/JAX-WS component will check in their respective jars along with the tag information.
  3. On a continuous basis, build script will create a "WSIT Integration" build that will contain the jars mentioned above by consolidating the jars from each component (including preserving the manifest).
  4. The build script will create an App Server build (known as PIT build) that will resemble the build as if WSIT is integrated in App Server. This will be created using the scripts used by App Server build environment for WSIT integration.
  5. All the automated tests are run on PIT build to catch regressions closer to their origin.
  6. On a weekly basis, a WSIT Integration build will be used to create the PIT build and all the tests scheduled for pre-integration testing are run on the PIT build.
  7. If there are no regressions, then the WSIT Integration build will be provided to App Server.
  8. Once WSIT is integrated in the App Server, then all the tests scheduled for post integration are run on the App Server build.