Norman Walsh is an XML Standards Architect at Sun Microsystems, Inc.
and an active participant in a number of standards efforts worldwide.
He is a specification lead for the Java API for XML Processing
(JAXP) and has participated occasionally in several other XML-related
JSRs. Mr. Walsh is also an elected member of the Technical Architecture Group at
the W3C where he is also chair of the XML Processing Model Working
Group, co-chair of the XML Core Working Group, and an active member of
the XSL Working Group. At OASIS, he is chair of the DocBook Technical
Committee and a member of the RELAX NG and Entity Resolution Technical
Committees. He was editor of the XML Catalogs specification for the
Entity Resolution Technical Committee and wrote the implementation of
that OASIS Standard that is part of the XML Commons project at Apache.

Before joining Sun, he developed XML and SGML publishing systems for
Arbortext, Inc., and O'Reilly and Associates. With more than a decade
of industry experience, Mr. Walsh is well known for his work on
DocBook and for the numerous works he has published. He is the
principle author of DocBook: The Definitive Guide.