Time : 300-3:30 PM Monday 10 Apr 2007


  • Vijay to update on his understanding of openInstaller Developer Tool(if there is a gap we can plan for more session).
  • Where we are for Build 3 and what potential features we can target.
  • Update about X-Design help and to discusss on how to use the x-design resource effectively.
  • Any round table item.

Minutes taker: Karthick

Meeting minutes

Attendees : Gerard,Karthick,Vadiraj,Vijay

  • Welcome Vijay to openInstaller Developer Tools.
  • Vijay Gave update on the TOI he had with Pallavi.
    • AI- Need to setup the workspace in both his laptop and desktop.Karthick/vadiraj to assist him o any issues.End date for this is 11th Apr.
    • Need to go through requirements/Use cases/schedule plan/Overall codebase understanding and other netbeans documentation-End date for this is 13 Apr 2007.The aim of his task is from next week onwards he should be ready to contribute to the project.
  • discussed on the feature list for Build 3.
    • Project level menu functionality.(AI-Vadiraj)
    • data model property sheet implementation.(AI-Karthick)
    • view property sheet implementation.(AI-Vijay)
  • Vadiraj to give TOI on NB Property Sheet TOI to Karthick/Vijay planned for 12 th Apr.
  • Karthick to work on schedule update and Build3 date.
  • Gerard to contribute for design discussion.
  • Discussed on how to effectively utilize Xdesign Resource locally.
  • Concluded with - overall last two weeks is not active week for openInstaller Developer Tools, and we need to switch gears to get up to speed to meet our schedule.