
  1. Discuss the NewComponentDescription Wizard screens.
  2. Discuss the Config. profiles workflow
  3. Other UI related things


  • Muthu (X design)
  • Vadiraj
  • Mahesh


The following include the suggestions given my Muthu.

  1. There should be indication of the mandatory fields on the wizard panels (using <font color="red">*</font>)
  2. Contextual help for each field where required. This should be of smaller font than the regular label fonts.
  3. On panels, left align the labels and other components.
  4. Left align the tables headers and content by 10 pixels (Global) (The pixel measurement is hard here and 'space's can be used instead)
  5. Panel help on top of the fields. Right now its displayed at the bottom of the panel.
  6. Club OS and arch.. For example, 'Solaris x86' should be displayed in the table together.
  7. Have labels for tables and list to tell what it is.
  8. Move the selected list of OS-arch to left side of the os-arch table on the OSInfo Panel.
  9. Headers on the selected package and patch lists and have the patch list side by the package list.
  10. Group the packages and patches have the panel title header.
  11. Confirmation dialog for clicking on close button and cancel.. button on the wizard.
  12. Change to data model on the finish panel.
  13. Change the title of the wizard to 'New Component Descriptor.'
  14. Empty row on the top with focus on the table (dependency) some default text "Type the component name here " selected. This is to enable adding of the new dependency without using a separate 'Add' button.
  15. Put remove on the right side of the table below in dependency panel.
  16. Payload should be same as the wizard panel.. show the tab related to solaris x86 when the Solaris x86 node is selected.
  17. Default config don't have the corresponding view while the data model and view have.
  18. Config profile name contextual help on 'Create new Data model' screen.
  19. Add data, remove data, add group delete group on the datamodel screen.
  20. There should be alert data model of view is changed .. to tell the user. This is on 'editing' data model page.
  21. The views which does not correspond to any data model will be shown right under the component.
  22. Page sequence - install-express install-custom uninstall repair as the main category and under that we have available panel list, selected panel list, add, remove and move up and move down

Note: Muthu is on vacation next week.