Muthu R.
Sandeep S.
Nandagopal S.
Mahesh U.
Vadiraj D.

Muthu : License related questions.. Muthu will be replying to the email.

Page sequence editor and wizard need to be reworked.. Muthu and Vadiraj will have a follow up discussion.

Icons expected come by Sept 14th...will follow up with Netbeans UI team.

desktop shortcuts.. for the tool. Need discussion with vadiraj.

Muthu will provide his review on the 3 click generate installer wizard screens when they are ready.

Nandu: native packages POC is done and will have the status tomorrow..

3 click generate installer working with Vadiraj.

mahesh: bug to update index.txt when new component is to be created.

run will be disabled for empty installer project which does not have any components..

Build : do we need to disable this menu also?

project template refresh done, will update the bug 6597393.

EmptyInstallerProject : need to be renamed..Muthu will provide guidance.

welcome page rfe created..

Sandeep: looking into the code.. 9/11 sandeep and vadiraj will discuss about the module code.

configuration requirements : will be sending on 9/12..

vadiraj: completing the design document and will be posting to the wiki today.

writing test spec. and will be sending for review on thursday.

3 click generate installer looking for netbeans module suite operation sources and finding ways to reuse it.

On target for Sept 14th tasks. Will notify if there are any changes.