Netbeans Application Installer Generator


This is a Netbeans plugin that adds the support of generating installers for Netbeans Module Suite projects right from the IDE itself. Currently Netbeans generates a zip bundle and JNLP descriptor as distribution means for module suite projects. However, these are not the ideal solution in most of the situations and have inherent problems as follows:

  • Zip bundles provide easiest installation solution, but lack the jdk home configuration. Users are required to update jdkhome on the target platform on which the suite project is installed.
  • JNLP descriptor generation is cumbersome and needs JNLP enabled browser.
  • For many applications, there is a need to provide a proper installer which would ease the installation and configuration of the application. In these cases, today most of the users tend to go for other third party softwares and frameworks which creates installers. This involves learning curve and sometimes its overkill.

Flash Demo


Getting Help

See the FAQ

Feature requests

  1. Customizing generated installer.
    1. Branding the installer.
  2. Making installer generation possible on Mac OS X.
  3. Bundling JDK with installer. (This makes generated installer platform specific)