The Problem Our current workspace is overloaded. It does two things 1. Holds and builds the openInstaller frameworks 2. Holds and builds the sample product. Number 2 has two further problems. Our sample product acts as 2.1. A demonstration of ease of use of building new installers 2.2. A test product for developers to test their changes on 2.1 conflicts with 2.2 in that 2.1 needs to show how minimal changes are required for a functional installer by using defaults but 2.2 should test the most amount of features. Our build system currently builds both the main framework and the sample/test product. This ties the two build processes together causing our build to look much more complicated then it ever should be and very fragile. Proposal
- Extract out a sample product
- Extract out a test product
- Provide individual build.xml for these products separate from the current build.xml