This is the open Installer Scratch Pad. Problem statement - Heavy work before display There is no place to do a lot of heavy work before displaying a page. Also, sometimes a page may need to be completely skipped based on some heavy calculations. Possible solutions
- For heavy work, the pages could have a default 'Working...' indicator.
- Note: This does not solve the problem of entirely skipping a page.
- Maybe the heavy work can be done in a previous page's Next button actions. The logical problem is - what display page the heavy activity belong to? If the code is inspecting the universe then shouldn't the user be seeing at least something while it happens? The activity could not belong to a in-between-two-pages-void .
Programming Practice There is a tendency while programming to hear about a problem superficially, think of the first solution that comes to mind, code it and then suffer. Observation 2
- Duplicated code
- I did not understand it so I implemented my own
- Maybe the codebase is too big for a single person to understand
- Maybe we can have rotation or have each person do small parts outside their focus area
- I did not know somebody else did it already
- Why would this happen?
- Possible Reason 1 - Similar code was in an unintuitively named package.
- Possible Reason 2 - The shareable code was embedded in another location and not made a generic tool
- Possible downsides to share all - Bad coupling across various modules
Problem statement - openInstaller does not read my mind Hey, it has no DWIM and no DWIW ! . That's totally unacceptable! Possible solution 1 Implement a DWIM_DWIW provider. Possible solution 2