Project proposal (FastTrack)
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Project/Component Working Name: openInstaller/
Language selection mechanism
- 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier: Gustave Loial
- 1.3. Date of This Document: 07/20/07
- 1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s): open source
- 1.4.1. The community this proposal comes from openInstaller
- 1.5. Email Aliases:
- 1.5.1. Project alias:
- 1.5.2. Project Lead:
- 1.5.3. Interest List:
- 2. Project Summary
- 2.1. Project Description: The payload installed by the installer usually can be localized by deploying specific installable units. This project aims at formalizing the localization of products. Henceforth, we'll consider the installable as being either of the core or of the localization type. A core installable unit providing functionalities and written in the default language: English whereas a localization installable unit only conveys the translation into a supported language.
- 2.2. Risks and Assumptions: The assumption was made that the user would require either none or all of the supported localizations to be installed (no possibility to pick which language to install)
- 3. Context and Need Summary
- 3.1. Problem Area: Products may have a requirement to be translated for a given user to use the product. The installer should be able to have the product installation include the translations.
- 3.2. Consumer/Requester: The Message Queue project has been presented to the Architecture Review Committee with this functionality (WSARC/2006/536) and now has a dependency on this functionality.
- 3.3. Justification: The Message Queue distribution wants to installation procedure to include localization.
- 3.4. How will you know when you are done?: This is a fast track oriented process meant to address RFEs and bugs. The project will be completed when the requesters and submitters of the bugs are satisfied with the proposed solutions.
- 4. Technical Description:
- 4.1. Details: The installer will present a page to the user that will allow the selection of localization as part of the installation. Selecting that option will include localization installable units as part of the set to be installed. In the dependency descriptor defined as part of LSARC/2007/098, all installable units declared as attribute "localized" of an Installable Unit element and all Installable Units declared under the "Localization" Composite Unit element are included for installation.
- 4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s): 6543996: openInstaller: L10n: framework should allow the installation of localization installable units
- 4.3. In Scope: No other area beyond the one described above.
- 4.4. Out of Scope:
- 4.5. Interfaces:
Interface |
Classification |
Comments |
User Interface model |
Stable |
resources/model/L10nSelection.xcs |
User Interface view |
Stable |
resources/view/L10nSelection.xml |
Interface |
Classification |
Comments |
Parsers and schemas |
Uncommitted |
Engine Installable Unitlib/engine.jar |
The Installable Unit mentioned here is meant across all supported OS
- 4.6. Doc Impact: The installer documentation will be impacted and will describe the scenarii.
- 4.7. Admin/Config Impact: The addition of the Localization Selection will show through a new page in the User Interface. No impact in terms of configuration.
- 4.8. HA Impact: None
- 4.9. I18N/L10N Impact: The error messages that can occur from this module are localized. There is no impact to localization beside the addition of the new messages
- 4.10. Packaging & Delivery: No impact
- 4.11. Security Impact: No Impact
- 4.12. Dependencies: No dependencies other than the presence of the localization installable units themselves.
- 5. Reference Documents:
- 6. Resources and Schedule:
- 6.1. Projected Availability: FY08/Q1
- 6.2. Cost of Effort:
feature design feature implementation tests documentation i18n ----------------------- Total cost: 1.5 man-week
- 6.3. ARC review type expected: FastTrack (only simple architectural impact)
- 7. Prototype Availability: FY08 / Q1