Open MQ Project FAQ Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. This page contains FAQs about the Open MQ Project. This includes participation, contribution, etc.
Q: What is Open Message Queue? A: Open Message Queue is the community version of the commercial product: Sun Java System Message Queue (we tend to use Java MQ, but it has several other names too, the most common alternate is imq). Starting with release 4.0, all features of Java MQ were made available to the community project Open MQ. All the product source-code is also available in download-able file archives. Q: Are you accepting new community members? A: At this time, we are accepting members as observers. This automatically subscribes you to the Java.Net news announcements that we make for this project. If you want more information than that, you're encouraged to subscribe to any or all of the e-mail lists that are associated with the project. We'd recommend that everyone, interested in Open MQ subscribe to user alias []. The other aliases are listed on this page. We are not able to accept developer contributions to the core of the project at this time. We are working to migrate our code repository, so that this will be possible in the future. Please contact us if you have an interest in this type of membership. You will need to read, agree to, and submit a signed copyright assignment, if you wish to submit any code to this project. Q: What type of license is Open Message Queue delivered with? A: Open MQ may be used under the terms of either of two Open Source licenses: CDDL, or GPL v2 with a class-path exception.