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Created and maintained by: Sahoo


OSGi Subproject page for GlassFish 3.1

The table below provides a high level introduction to various OSGi related features being worked on in GlassFish. Over a period of time, we shall provide links to samples, documentation, one-pagers, etc.

Sl No Category Feature Name Feature Desc Implementation Status Pending Tasks Dependencies Samples/\Blogs/\Community Discussions/
1 OSGi Embeddable GlassFish Embed GlassFish in an existing OSGi runtime like Eclipse IDE Basic use case working Issue 11782 Module metadata clean up by module owners Sample1
2 OSGi OSGi Admin Console Web based OSGi administration console for GlassFish Customized Felix Web console available in trunk. It can also be plugged into GlassFish web console and used in a cluster. This plugin for admin console is available in update centre and maven.     1.Plugging in Felix Web Console in GlassFish Admin Console , 2. Using Felix OSGi console in GlassFish
3 OSGi GlassFish provisioning Allow users to select GlassFish features from a bundle repository None   Product Mgmt (Adam L.) to provide more input  
4 OSGi + Java EE Hybrid Web App Allow Web apps to run within OSGi context Implemented since v3 1. Check compliance. 2. Support for shared JSP tag libraries. 3. Demonstrate use of bundle fragments as web fragments   Blog1 , Blog2
5 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JDBC (rfc #122) Allow JDBC drivers to be used from OSGi bundles Basic functionality available in trunk 1. Check compliance. 2. asadmin commands to install drivers as bundles. 3. Use OSGi/JDBC APIs in appserver JDBC layer. JDBC Team  
6 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/EE resources as services Allow Java EE resources like JDBC datasources, JMS resources (topics/queues), JavaMail resources to be consumed as OSGi services Basic functionality available in trunk - thanks to Jagadish   JCA Team  
7 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JTA (rfc #98) Allow OSGi bundles to use JTA by exposing JTA objects as services. Available in trunk Checking compliance    
8 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JPA Allows hybrid app to use JPA Basic functionality with lazy loading working in trunk for EclipseLink 1. Support other providers like Hibernate, OpenJPA. 2. Standalone shared PU   Sample
9 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JNDI (rfc #142)   JNDI look up works from OSGi bundle Implement the rfc or integrate RI    
10 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/EJB Allow EJBs to run within OSGi context Available in trunk supporting automatic registration of EJB as service     RFE 11374 , Sample1 , Sample2
11 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/CDI Explore use of CDI in hybrid applications Implemented in 3.1. Use @OSGiService @Inject to inject OSGi service into your hybrid app Sample
12 OSGi + Java EE Make javax APIs OSGi ready Address META-INF/service and Thread.contextClassLoader issue in various SE/EE APIs. Prototype solution in place. Needs acceptance from various stake holders. Take the proposal to affected API owners Metro, Jersey  
13 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JCA (rfc #146) Make RARs to run within OSGi context The RFC is being finalized. No implementation available in GlassFish yet.   connector team  
14 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/JAX-RS Explore use of JAX-RS in OSGi environment Jersey seems to be already usable in OSGi platform. It can also leverage OSGi/HTTP Service Align Jersey effort with GlassFish Jersey Blog1 , Blog2
15 OSGi + Java EE OSGi/HTTP Service Expose underlying Web container as OSGi/HTTP Service Available since v3 Passes compliance tests    
16 OSGi + Java EE Hybrid apps in a cluster Enable cluster support for hybrid apps Not yet implemented Issue 14620