This page lists the instructions for setting up PaaS environment and running basic PaaS sample.

1. Download and unzip latest (>= 3.2) under a location which has enough space. In my case I unzip it under /space that has around 20 GB of free space.

You can opt to build from your own updated trunk workspace.

Once extracted, set your GF_HOME env. variable to the extracted glassfish i.e., GF_HOME=/space/glassfish3/glassfish in my case. Preferably set PATH env. variable as well i.e., PATH=$GF_HOME/bin:$PATH

2. Build the PaaS jars (OE and SPE jars):

cd main/appserver/paas
mvn install

3. Start GlassFish

asadmin start-domain

4. Setup either Native environment or Virtualized enviroment for your GlassFish installation.

4.1. To setup Native environment execute main/appserver/tests/paas/basic/ In native mode, load-balancer is not yet supported in all OSs. So, please remove $GF_HOME/modules/paas.lbplugin.jar and restart GlassFish

4.2. To setup Virtualized environment, follow carefully.

In my case I have run this sample successfully with KVM environment and Native environment.

5. Compile PaaS sample:

cd main/appserver/tests/paas/basic
mvn clean compile war:war
cp target/basic_paas_sample.war /tmp/

6. Deploy the PaaS sample:

$GF_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy /tmp/basic_paas_sample.war

Once this step completes all the provisioning would have been finished and the application is ready to access.

7. See the details of the services provisioned for your PaaS sample:

$GF_HOME/bin/asadmin list-services basic_paas_sample

8. Access the deployed application. For example, you can access the application like this:
