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Phobos To-Do for the 0.7 Release

Updated on 01/31/2006
Draft Version

  • improvements in persistence
  • comet support, including a sample
  • more doc and samples
  • NetBeans plugin features
    • export into NetBeans web project: for R2
    • runtime context based code completion: not R2
    • debugger: watches, tooltips, expression evaluation: for R2 (almost done)
    • start using NetBeans 6.0 editors (ejs, palette): on track for R2. Not sure if R2 will target or not 6.0.The paln of record is 5.5.1
    • navigator view: not for R2
    • sync up standalone phobos project with a web project: maybe for R2 if resources are available
    • editor popup menus (js and EJS)to generate to extra code (methods, etc): not for R2
    • doc generation?
    • Eclipse support? Not for R2
  • RSS reader
  • testing framework R2? not sure.



Phobos Schedule and Deliverables

Updated on 11/16/2006
Committed Version


Milestone 2 (Nov. 27, 2006)

  • NetBeans debugger plugin (JavaScript & ejs) for Phobos (Ludo, Jennifer, Elena)
    • Elena will test the plugins
    • Removing the following task b/c John Jullion, Ludo, Ian, and I agreed that Ken (the new NB writer) should do this documentation when he joins the project next week: Jennifer will work on the documentation for the plugin with screencast
    • The NetBeans plugins will be available on before 11/27
  • Phobos sample app using JRuby (Ashish)
    • Ashish will make the Calculator app available in the Phobos cvs respository
  • Phobos sample app using Java Persistence API (Pramod)
    • a javascript controller script that would get hold of an EntityManager from the persistence library
    • make JPA calls to fetch data for a very simple entity
    • loop through the result set and write them out on the browser using simple html syntax.
  • XmlHttpProxy from jMaki available to phobos application (Q^2)
    • Done. (Sample application checked in under phobos/apps/geocoder in cvs)

Feature Freeze (Dec. 18, 2006)

  • Javadoc generation tool (Roberto)
  • Phobos sample CRUD application working end to end (Pramod)
    • ensure that the persistence library covers the 90% JPA scenario for a user
    • get the UI part done in dojo/jMaki for which I am working with Greg. (RISK: dependency on Greg M.)
    • documentation of the persistence library
  • More complex usage of Ruby scripts working in Phobos (Ashish)
  • RoR (in war format) working on Glassfish (Ashish)
  • Phobos tutorial (Jennifer)
    • details??
  • Not Yet Committed Items (under evaluation)
    • client/server event handling (Q^2)
    • more demos/samples
      • how to use dojo on server side (??)



Phobos Task List

Note: items marked with are tentative

Updated on 9/25/06
Draft version


MVC (Owner: Q2, RC)

  • more controller methods (e.g. selecting layouts, view types)
  • declaring the type of a view inline

RUNTIME (Owner: Tools team, RC)

  • complete stack traces for JavaScript
    • Debugger APIs

AJAX (Owner: Q2)

  • XmlHttpProxy (2 weeks)
    • Write in JavaScript
  • simpler way to hook up server logic (3 weeks)
  • eventing/notifications
    • Investigate this. Leverage on Client side eventing in jMaki.
  • simple client-side controller
  • Ongoing jMaki integration

REST (Owner: TBD. RC for now)

  • more server functionality (double-check it with a different example)
    • like Amazon web service
  • client library (validate it with Atom Publishing Protocol)
    • Python has a good library
  • Atom Publishing Protocol server sample app
    • Needs to be polished


  • plugin with full development cycle support
  • packaging war files
  • deployment to app server
  • javascript debugger
    • Need hooks
  • javadoc-like tool
  • .ejs-aware editor

PERSISTENCE (Owner: Pramod)

  • integrate generator with latest phobos CVS
  • some improvements (e.g. fewer modules, handy "persistence" library)

JSF (Owner: Ed)

  • using JSF/facelets as views
  • using scripting to write JSF artifacts (strictly not a Phobos task)

TANGO (Owner: TBD)

  • a prototype

JRUBY (Owner: TBD)

  • bidirectional connectivity between the Rhino and JRuby engines

OTHER (Owner: TBD)

  • accessing EE resources (JNDI-like lookups, security, txn, ejbs, etc)
  • unit test library
  • I18N

DOCS (Owner: Jennifer)


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Phobos Binary Dependencies & Approval Tracking

As of 11/27/2006

Components Jar File(s) Version Version Approved Expedited Review Needed Final Approval Done Comments
BCEL (Apache) bcel.jar 5.1 Y Y N  
Commons Logging (Apache) commons-logging.jar commons-logging-api.jar 1.04 Y Y N  
Derby (Apache) derby.jar derbyclient.jar / 10.1.2000001.330608 N Y N  
JDOM jdom.jar 1.0 Y Y N  
JRuby jruby.jar 0.8.3/0.9.0/0.9.1 Y/Y/N
Y/Y/N (4510/4767/?) Phobos Needs 0.9.1
Mozilla Rhino js.jar 1.6R2/1.6R4? Y/N -/Y Y/N Phobos Needs 1.6R4
JSR 173 : Streaming API for XML jsr173_1.0_api.jar 1.0 Y ? ? (3092) Expedited approval?
JSR 223: Scripting for the Java

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sup TM
jsr223-api.jar 1.0 N Y N  
Resolver (Apache) resolver.jar 1.1 Y Y N  
Rome rome.jar 0.8 Y Y N ASF license
Grizzly grizzly-1.0.4.jar 1.0.4 N
Maven Ant tasks maven-artifact-ant-2.0.4-dep.jar 2.0.4
N Build dependency only
Servlet API servlet-api.jar 2.5
N Build dependency only
Sun HTTP Server for JDK 1.5 http.jar
N Y N Build dependencies only
FreeMarker freemarker.jar 2.3.6 Y
Y (4511) BSD style license
XMLBeans (Apache) xbean.jar xbean_xpath.jar 2.1.0 (-r330131?) Y (v 2.1.0 v348005)
Y (4559)  


  • Do we need approval for grizzly? (yes)
  • Do we need approval for jsf-* components? (no, because all of them are under CDDL)

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