Build instruction for Phobos NetBeans plugins %% Get the latest cvs content for both jMaki project and Phobos project from cvs -d login cvs -d checkout ajax cvs -d checkout phobos Now, you need to build the jMaki framework from the ajax/ws/jmaki directory cd ajax/ws/jmaki ant dist Then you need to build the Phobos runtime. To make sure you have the latest jMaki framework necessary for Phobos, you need to first clean the Phobos system: cd phobos/phobos ant clean ant Now you have both the jMaki framework and the Phobos runtime correcty compiled. Using NetBeans 5.5 FCS, you need to open 2 NetBeans module suites (A suite is a collection of NetBeans modules that can be built together). Using the NetBeans 5.5 File | Open Project... menu item, navigate to phobos/ide-plugins and open the netbeans-plugins module suite and for jMaki: ajax/ide-plugins/netbeans and open the AJAX-suite module suite. You can now on these 2 projects use the popup menu called "Create NBMs" that will build entirely all the modules.