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Presentations related to GlassFish/OSGi - in reverse chronological order

Date Title of the talk Conference Presented By Description Links to Slides, Blogs, Recordings
7 Oct 2010 OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development OpenBlend Conference 2010, Ljubjana (Slovenia) Sahoo Gives an overview of how technologies such as EJB, CDI, JPA can be used in OSGi applications 1. Slides
7 Oct 2010 GlassFish OSGi: from modular runtime to hybrid apps java2days Alexis MP Quick OSGi intro, GlassFish 3.x runtime, declarative services, enterprise OSGi specs Slides
20 Sep 2010 OSGi & Java EE: A hybrid approach to Enterprise Java Application Development JavaONE 2010, San Francisco Sahoo, Siva Gives an overview of how technologies such as EJB, CDI, JPA can be used in OSGi applications 1. Slides
21 Jun, 2010 OSGi & Java EE in GlassFish - Best of both worlds UberConf Arun Intro to OSGi, Modular architecture of GlassFish, Tooling, Declarative Service, Enterprise OSGi Slides
24 March 2010 OSGi & Java EE in GlassFish Eclipsecon, Santa Clara, 2010 Sahoo Gives an overview of how OSGi can be leveraged by enterprise developers to build hybrid applications. 1. Talk 2. Slides , 3. Demo source code
December 2009 (Jerome to update the exact date) GlassFish modularity with OSGi Virtual Conference (GlassFish Podcast) Jerome Dochez Gives an overview of how OSGi is used in GlassFish Refer to this blog for slides and mp3