Aquarium Chinese Translation Assignment
- Monday — Jim
- Tuesday — Carol
- Wednesday — Jiandong
- Thursday — Leon
- Friday — Ming
- Saturday — Judy
- Sunday — Jim/Leon
Aquarium Chinese Translation Process: Hi Judy, I have added you into chinese blogs. Here is step how to get raw format for english one:
- send email to Eduardo.Pelegrillopart@Sun.COM to let him put your account into english one
- access
- login with your account
- click 'logs' in 'The Aquarium' after you login
- Click 'edit' in one log your want to translate
- Copy title, tags, content
- login, create one new blog and paste those strings from english one into it.
- You can translate it on that new blog or save it as a draft if you didn't finish it.
- You can submit it after you finish your translation
We couldn't publish above step outside as community user couldn't get account on sun's blog and they couldn't edit sun's blog. We can find another way for comunity to contribute like this:
- We may have a script automatically get raw content for new blog item from english one and put it outside.
- Comunity can translate it.
- That script will automatically create new item on our chinese blog if we confirm it is ok.
I need talk to another guy who is working this type of process. We can publish that process on your wiki when we finalize it. Thanks, Leon