Profiles Project

See one pager on profiles for details.

See ProfilesProjectDesignAndTasks for some implementation details.

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Web-tier specific settings

domain.xml settings

id element/property/attribute name value for developer profile value for enterprise profile
0 virtual-server, sso-enabled false true
1 file-caching false (immediately reflects) true

default-web.xml settings

id element/property/attribute name value for developer profile value for enterprise profile
0 JspServlet mode – servlet jsp can have an init-param named "development" true false

See DistinctionsBetweenDeveloperProfileAndClassPEProfile to determine if we need to distinguish between these profiles.

Providing an easy way to upgrade a domain's configuration

This is a feature we are doing to sort of complement the profiles functionality. We have domains that do not support clusters and the ones that support the clusters. In order to increase the cluster awareness, we are planning to provide
an easy way to upgrade a domain to support clusters. A button should be provided on the admin console such that the domain can be seamlessly upgraded to a domain that supports clusters. Here are the details:

  1. It is a one-way operation only (no supprt for clusters -> support for clusters).
  2. DAS's configuration is left intact. Only the necessary system property that affects the cluster behavior will be used. This is the so called Pluggable Feature Factory property. Thus the DAS's configuration is almost the same as before.
  3. Quick startup will be automatically disabled. This will result in a slightly longer startup time.
  4. Domain will require restart to take effect.
  5. The changes to configuration will be immediately available for administration.
  6. The DAS will continue to have applications deployed to it.
  7. DAS's configuration will remain intact.
  8. It is not mandatory to use clusters after this is done. The DAS can continue to be used as a single instance for deployments. It is just that it will be "ready" for cluster management.
  9. Administrators should use this feature carefully. GUI should display the implications of the actions before administrator presses the "OK" button.

Implementation Details to Support Upgrade

Please see ProvidingClusterSupport2DeveloperDomains for details.