Project Tracking M1: Initial basic bundle (no configuration, no customization)
- 2008-12-01 2008-12-24
- Milestone reached on time
M2 Integration of GlassFish plug-ins and settings customization
- Active milestone: 2008-12-29 2008-01-16 (Date is likely to slip for a week due to other priorities)
- Scope is to have the 2 app servers (v2,v3) installed via the installer (XP,linux, mac) and registered to the IDE with a default domain for each. The uninstaller has to work as well. Some extra config settings (JPA, JSF, JavaDB) may be done, or move to M3 timeline.
- Milestone 2 testing
- Bug query Dashboard to be fixed for M2
M3 Custom registration plug-in, integration of GlassFish branding
M4 Final integration, tests and polishing: final delivery