Hi Anissa,

Overall, the specification looks fine.

Please find some minor comments :

  • Section 2.2 Risks and Assumptions :

"It is also assumed that any features that any sub-project requests to
be exposed through the admin console will provide a way for GUI to
invoke that through the REST API."
a) Should we be providing any guidelines/samples on how a module need to
provide the REST based API to GUI ?
AL: Good idea. Jason can probably give more info in this area.

b) Does this include porting any existing AMX based API to REST API in
v3 ?
AL: Not necessarily. However, we probably need to do something in order for GUI to be able to access the API now available from the ConnectorRuntimeAPIProvider mbean. We will work with the REST API team to see what is needed from you and let you know.

IIUC, there are two set of REST API requirements that GUI will need :
1) Any configuration addition need to be exposed as REST API.
AL: yes, but this will be taken care by the REST API team.

2) Any AMX based API that is not a configuration information, for eg,
GUI invoking the backend.
AL: yes. The runtime command such as stop, restart, generate-jvm-report, ping etc. will need to be invoked through REST API. Some of these is available today, some needs to be added on.

  • Section 4.5.1, Exported Interfaces has ConsolePluginService class.

It would be helpful if the java-doc of the class is provided
AL: Good suggestion. Please file an issue on this so we can include that in the published javadoc.

  • Typo : Section 4.1.1 : Resources creation/listing/edit for cluster :

> > In the cluster or standalone instance pager, there will be a tag named
< In the cluster or standalone instance pages, there will be a tab named
AL: Fixed. thanks.
