Internet facing JSF Deployments In the Real World

People still sometimes question the pervasiveness of JavaServer Faces Technology. That's a good thing because it indicates the IT decison makers of the world are thinking for themselves and not merely following some kind of herd mentality. This page helps assuage the concerns of those people.

It turns out that there are hundreds of public sites on the web obviously using JSF technology. We don't know how many non-obvious JSF sites are out there, nor how many intranet sites are using JSF. For example, reports from Sun's client solutions department indicate that major banks in the German Banking industry are using JSF for customer facing deployments, but due to the secretive nature of IT in the financial world, we cannot name names.

Several companies have agreed to be referencable JSF users, and their stories are documented at < >.

Also, keep in mind that any customer of the NetBeans JSF module, Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse JSF module, IntelliJ IDEA JSF module or any of the products and tools listed at the JSF Central Product Listing are also using JSF.

This is a Wiki page. Please help us flesh out this page with public sites known to be using JSF. We don't care if it's MyFaces or Oracle's Mojarra implementation, what matters is they are using JSF.

The following sites were found with a request to <> and <> or were discovered in the wild by happenstance or intention.

There is also a manually created google map representation of this list. On it, you can see that JSF is being used in every continent, including Antartica.








Tourism/Real Estate
