Release Notes Comments Page

The Release Notes provide late-breaking information about the GlassFish software and the GlassFish documentation.

The latest review version of this document is available in PDF format. This version applies to GlassFish v3. Comments on this version will be considered for a future update.

The published version of this document is available in HTML and PDF formats.


Your comments are important. Use this page to identify information that is incorrect and to make suggestions for how the document could be improved.

Please add your comments to the table in the format used below. Review existing comments in the table to see known issues and avoid duplicates.

Comment ID Date Version Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status
Example: jsmith-01 Date comment entered Version (v2 or v3) Detailed pointer to location in the doc Detailed comment (with proposed fix and correct content if applicable) Leave blank – the writer will provide status
tjquinn-001 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p. 31, Known Issues, "Java EE 6 Managed Bean support not available in app clients launched using Java Web Start (No Issue Number)" I've opened issue 11257 for this, if you want to refer to it from the RN. RESOLVED Made this change.
tjquinn-002 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p. 31, Warning messages when invoking appclient script on Mac OS X with Apple Java implementation (No Issue Number) Issue 8644 describes this problem. RESOLVED Made this change.
alexismp-001 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.11, second paragraph OSGi bundles and glassfish packages are different things and only the web and full distros are supported. I suggest changing the first sentence of the second paragraph to "This design change allows use of only the modules that you require for the applications deployed." RESOLVED Made this change.
alexismp-002 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.11, third paragraph v3 allows for deployment of OSGi bundles and JARs, not import. RESOLVED Made this change.
alexismp-003 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.11, third paragraph "Replace the Enterprise Server web container with another web container" => probably not the best example. This should rather remain generic with something similar to "Replace an existing functionality with another implementation". RESOLVED Made this change.
alexismp-004 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.12, "Support for Scripting Languages" section are the examples really supported? I'd also suggest replacing jMaki with Jython/Django PARTIALLY RESOLVED Original query: Need additional input and follow-up. 1) Are the examples supported? 2) Should jMaki be replaced with Jython/Django and if so, what's the best one-line description for these per the others? *Dec 17 update:*Left jMaki in (it's an add-on component in Update Tool); added bullet point for Jython/Django.
alexismp-005 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.12, WSIT should be made clear that WSIT is part of Metro (a more widely used name) and state that the Metro version is 2.0 and offers interop with Microsoft .Net (WCF) 3.5 (new in this release) RESOLVED Made this change.
alexismp-006 6-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS p.15, "force Option" asadmin redeploy is also new in v3 IIRC and offers an equivalent to --force=true (Hong's comments on this: the force option is only applicable to deploy command (cli) and deploy screen (console), not the redeploy command (cli) or redeploy screen (console). If we could clarify this part in the wording, this comment of alexis will be resolved ) RESOLVED Made this change.
kumarjayanti-01 7-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS Addition to Known Issues EJB interop for remote EJB's borken when the target EJB is on the same host (another GF domain or another GF V3 instance). The workaround is to set the following system property in jvm-options : -Dorg.glassfish.orb.iiop.orbserverid=<unique-number-per-server-instance>: see also issue

RESOLVED Made this change.
scaruso 8-Dec-2009 3.0 FCS table1-4 pg 21 last row DB2 we certified w/DB29.7 Also missing a row for MsSQLServer2008 I will confirm the driver and type RESOLVED Made this change. Made other changes suggested in email by Lance.
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